Just a few decades ago, most cars had manual transmissions. This is why manuals are also often referred to as “standards” — they used to be standard in most cars. Now, at least in the U.S., there has been a shift away from manuals in favor of cars with automatic transmissions.

Benefits of Driving a Car With a Manual Transmission

Below, we provide the list of objective benefits to driving a car with a manual transmission. Ultimately, the decision of which type of transmission to choose is a matter of your priorities and personal preferences.

Active Driving

Driving a car with a manual transmission generally forces drivers to pay better attention when driving. The possibility of distracted driving or falling asleep at the wheel decreases when your attention is focused on the road to anticipate gear shifts and your hands and feet are occupied with the shifting. Also, the fact that your limbs are constantly moving when driving a manual car can be more comfortable during long drives.


Manual transmissions cost less to build than automatics, which is part of the reason why manuals are generally cheaper to buy in both new and used car markets. Additionally, many people are willing to pay for the convenience of an automatic transmission, which can inflate prices.

Engine Braking

If you need to stop quickly in a car with a manual transmission, you can downshift while hitting the brakes. This will slow you down much faster than just stepping on the brakes. This is because you’re able to use the engine and the brakes to stop the car, which is not possible with an automatic transmission. With a manual, you can easily let the engine help with some of the braking, meaning you may not need to replace your brake pads and rotors as often (i.e., potential maintenance savings).

If you do need to have your rotors resurfaced, see our list of auto service centers that turn rotors.

Fuel Economy

Manual transmissions weigh less than automatics, which means that the car is lighter and it generally requires less fuel to move. Also, a manual transmission shifts to neutral between gear shifts, which decreases fuel consumption. Manuals even offer the option of coasting in neutral to stops and on downward slopes. To determine potential fuel savings with a manual transmission, check out the U.S. Department of Energy’s side-by-side vehicle comparison tool. It is worth noting that with fuel economy improvements in newer models, not all manual transmission cars get better gas mileage than their automatic counterparts.

International Use

In 2018, only 2% of vehicles sold in the U.S. came with manual transmissions. The majority of new models do not even have the option of a manual transmission. However, in most countries, the manual transmission is still the standard; this is partially due to higher fuel costs, especially in Europe.

Driving a manual car is virtually the same no matter where you are; the driving configuration is the same everywhere. Even if the car is right-hand drive, the gearbox and pedal setup are the same. The only change is that you’re on the opposite side of the car.

Lifelong Skill

Some people take great pride in driving a manual; it is a skill that takes time and patience to master. Even if you do not plan to buy a car with a manual transmission, it can be useful to know how to do it in the event of an emergency.


A manual transmission takes less fluid to operate than an automatic, and it doesn’t require an expensive gasket and oil filter kit like an automatic transmission does.

It’s also easier to replace the fluid in a manual transmission; you just need to pull a plug to drain it. With automatic transmissions, there are several more steps involved. If you don’t change the oil yourself, an auto shop will also likely charge more when working on an automatic versus a manual.

Mountain Driving

When you drive an automatic through a mountainous region, the car may shift gears at inappropriate times, even when you turn off the overdrive (a feature that is included in most automatics for this very reason). The constant shifting and struggling on hills can wear down the transmission; you can avoid some of this with a manual transmission if you are skilled at navigating hills and mountains.

Potential Theft Deterrence

Because manuals aren’t as common in the U.S. anymore, many people (and consequently, many thieves) don’t actually know how to drive manual transmissions. This could mean that your car with a manual transmission is less likely to be stolen if a thief opts to steal a vehicle they are comfortable driving, instead. However, keep in mind that a car with a manual transmission is functionally easier to steal than an automatic. If a thief is familiar with how a manual transmission works, they can shift the car into neutral and roll it away.


With an automatic transmission, there is a loss in drivetrain power due to the added weight and hydraulic resistance needed to operate an automatic transmission. In general, manual transmissions can supply around 15% more horsepower than their automatic counterparts. This also provides an added advantage if you ever want to modify your car to make it faster or more powerful.


Manual transmissions are simpler and cheaper to build than automatics, and they are generally cheaper to repair (which may also mean cheaper insurance). Additionally, if you ever need a replacement transmission, it will likely be less expensive, according to the Transmission Repair Cost Guide.


With a manual car, you don’t need to rely as heavily on the battery to start the car. This can be beneficial if your car’s battery is weak and there is no one around to jump start your car. Simply give the car a rolling start; once you’re moving, you can put the car in gear and release the clutch, and the car should start.

If you do need to buy a new car battery, see our research on AutoZone’s battery warranty and list of places that sell and install car batteries.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

For all of its benefits, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when driving a manual transmission.


Manual transmissions are less accessible to the elderly and disabled due to the additional moving parts. Automatic transmissions make driving more accessible to individuals who may have decreased motor function or reaction times but who are still able to drive safely.


Additionally, while this may be an advantage to some, driving a manual transmission means that there will likely not be many other people in your immediate circle who can drive your car. You may have fewer people asking to borrow your car, but this can also potentially be a disadvantage if there is an emergency. (However, as mentioned above, learning to drive a stick shift can be a valuable skill in an emergency.)

Car Selection

As noted above, manual transmissions make up a small fraction of the car market in the U.S. If you are set on buying a manual, you may need to spend longer on your car search, and you also may need to sacrifice some other preferences to get a car with the transmission you want, such as your desired color. It is also much more difficult to find a manual transmission at higher trim levels.

Heavy Traffic

Automatic transmissions can offer smoother rides and are easier to operate in heavy stop-and-go traffic. This is something to think about when you consider your daily commute and your tolerance for constant accelerating and shifting.

Learning Curve

Learning to drive a car with a manual transmission arguably results in more attentive drivers, but they also take longer to learn how to drive. If you want or need to learn how to drive a manual, it will require a significant investment of time and energy.

In Summary

There are many objective benefits to driving a car with a manual transmission — you will likely pay less for fuel and maintenance, you will be more prepared for driving abroad, and there are fewer opportunities for distracted driving. However, there are some considerations to think about, such as driving in traffic and the limited manual vehicle selection in the U.S. Ultimately, your decision will be based on your priorities, so we provided the list of factors to consider to help you make an informed decision.

If you’re interested in learning more about manual cars, we list the rental car companies that rent manuals.

This Season


  • david

    Just got my golf 7, and of course its a GTI Manual. Never been happy, remembering happy days again when I started learning how to drive. Although we have an auto car for driving to work every day, which most of the time its my wife whos driving, Im always looking forward for the weekend to spend time with my mano_o_mano car (Local term for Manual Car in my country). And of course its priceless. Driving a manual car has an exact definition of “Fully Driving” the car, not partially driving (cause half of the effort was done by the auto trans)

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      I’ve never driven a Golf but I hear they are really good cars. I understand what you mean about only partially driving when you’re driving (steering) an automatic. There’s a definite disconnect between man and machine. I’m glad you’re enjoying the Golf!

  • Shantanu Sinha

    Hey Will
    Nice article on manual transmission cars.
    I would really preffer driving the stick on your very own.
    Rather than automatic transmission.

    Here in India, we are doing it from really long. Yeah automatic transmission no doubt makes your
    ride smoother and smarter but if you really want to explore, I would really go for driving the stick.

    Thank you so much for sharing this one 🙂

    Shantanu sinha

  • Kevin

    I knew manual transmissions were becoming rare in North America, but I didn’t realize just how rare until I found myself in the market for a new car last year. There are now several makes that do not offer a manual option at all!

    I chose a VW GTI with 6-speed manual, and have been most pleased with it. The “fun factor” of this car would have taken a huge hit with an automatic. Now, granted, the automatic offered is one of the new dual clutch automatics, which are essentially manual transmissions that are electronically operated. A lot of the old advantages to a manual no longer apply when compared with the new breed of automatics, but I have been told one should prepare for sticker shock the first time they have to perform a fluid change on one of those new dual clutch automatics.

    I just think one should always strive to develop and maintain skills rather than be completely dependent on something doing the thinking for you. A calculator is great to have, but you should still know how to do the math on paper!

  • Emma

    Haha, I find this post hilarious! I’m in New Zealand where manuals are the norm. My Dad refused to let me learn to drive an automatic because it’s ‘lazy’ but I’m glad I know how to drive a manual as I can drive anything, anywhere in the world. I visited the US last year and rented a Dodge – it was so strange just sitting there with one foot on the pedal and one hand on the steering wheel, almost relaxing.

  • Janet Fazio

    I so love this post. I am one of the few people I know who owns a manual shift car. I won’t date someone who can’t.

    • John

      I’m a delivery guy driving around the city all day and I hate the manual I have to drive. I shift up and down between 1, 2 and 3 thousands times a day and it’s just bloody annoying even though I learned driving in a manual.
      Ah well, it has made me appreciate the auto I’m driving in my spare time.

  • Sophia Borree

    Hey Will,
    Great post on manual transmission cars. I will be honest… I don’t have a manual 🙁 . But I am planing to buy.

  • Alex

    Came here after being bemused at the idea that the majority of America drives automatic. Here in the UK manual cars are (as you rightly mention) the norm. If you learn to drive on an automatic here, you only get an automatic endorsed license, you’d have to take another test if you wanted to drive manual. For me, driving a manual is YOU driving the car, you control the gear change meaning you can either get more speed or more fuel economy out of your car. Sounds like you’d be OK over here Will, except for the fact we drive on the left – contrary to what most other countries do. We do enjoy being a little awkward…

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Whoa, didn’t know that about licensing!

      I would enjoy the UK – I’ve just got to get over there one of these days. I’m a huge Top Gear fan.

    • Emma

      It’s the same in New Zealand, an automatic endorsement is basically a licence that you’d be embarrassed to admit you have 🙂

      • First Quarter Finance logo
        First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

        Ha, that’s hilarious. Wish we could get that stigma going over here in the US! With eco cars becoming more popular in the States, manuals are making a small resurgence. That’s refreshing to see.

        • Moses

          hahaha! I really like the post Will! I own a 98 Honda Civic with 229k miles on it… man that transmission is still running strong and the engine just feels alive! I love to save money while driving, while braking and while being more focused on the road! Automatic transmission vehicles are ok… but they command you. When you drive a manual car… YOU tell the car what to do and that’s fun… I like to be in control of the throttle body…

  • Ethel

    I drive a manual sports car now and it is much more fun than my old automatic car. My friends are all in love with it and want to drive it, but are sorely disappointed when I tell them it’s a stick. Everyone assumes because I am a woman that it isn’t my car because it’s a manual, well it is!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      I bought my last car from a 52-year-old lady. She rocked that stick shift. Good on you for being cooler than your friends! :p

  • Jack Mor

    Wow, I had never thought about thieves. I can just imagine someone smashing the window, climbing in, reaching for the stick-shift, and realizing that they have no idea what they’re doing and leaving. I’ll have to look into getting a stick, they do seem a lot more fun. And I’m a fan of not dying.

  • Jason Strong

    My little brother was driving my care the other day and he did something to the clutch. Usually I can figure this kind of stuff out on my own, but for whatever reason I can’t. If anyone has any suggestions of things that I can look into to figure this out, I would really appreciate it.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      What are the symptoms?

  • Audrey Blakeney

    I’ve been driving for over 15 years, and I can honestly say that I never knew an automatic transmission weighed more than a manual. It is logical, however, since the parts that would change gears for your are not in the manual one. I am looking to buy a new car soon, and I was thinking of buying an automatic, even though it is more expensive, but now I see that a manual is less expensive initially as well as continually with regards to fuel and mileage. From a seasoned but I guess still newbie driver, thank you for this advice on saving money.

  • Correy Smith

    What would be the difference in transmissions when it comes to comparing automatic and manual cars? It’s something that I’m trying to find out after my friend gave me a manual car of his that needed some transmission repairs to do. I’ve become accustomed to repairing automatic vehicles for far too long.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Check the clutch master cylinder and the slave cylinder for proper function if you’re having any issues. Make sure the clutch fluid is clear. If there’s a whirring noise coming from the transmission, it’s probably a bad throw-out bearing. If the car is old, make sure the clutch adjustment is good. Newer cars have automatic adjusting clutches (I’d say mid 90’s – on). Manuals are easy to main/fairly easy to repair (unless you crack into the transmission itself – you may just be better off getting a new/used one).

  • Emily Smith

    Will, I had no idea that manual transmissions were cheaper than automatic transmissions. I have been trying to decide between buy an automatic or a manual car. The fact that it is cheaper and is cheaper to fix things like the transmission is really nice. Maybe I will go with a manual car.
    Emily Smith

  • Gerald Vonberger

    I hadn’t thought of a lot of these benefits of having a manual car. I had one for about 8 years and it was great. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that the transmission repairs are much cheaper than those of an automatic are. Upon further reflection, I can see that you’re probably right. I also enjoyed reason number 4. If not dying isn’t a motivation, I don’t know what is. Thanks for the entertaining and informative article!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      🙂 Thanks for the kind words, Gerald.

  • Rob

    One big reason not to:
    Manual cars are burdensome and painful to drive in stop and go traffic. When I used to have a long commute I longed for the day I could trade in my stick shift for an automatic.

  • MR

    Im american, I have 3 manual cars, and I drive in traffic. Hows that!

    The “I cant have an automatic because im in traffic” statement will never cease to make me laugh. Driving a manual is like walking. Do you ever think about putting your feet ahead of you to walk? Lol. Drive a manual long enough and it DOES become 2nd nature. I never even think twice about having to push the clutch and shift gears….it just instantly happens.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Awesome reply! Humans are easily able to adapt and get in routines. It seems the only people fearful of manuals are those who haven’t really given them a chance.

      • MR

        Totally true. Most people look at it and think instant hassle. I admit some newer slop-o-matics are a tiny hair faster than a proper manual but so what? The manual makes the car person feel united with their machine. Because for us its not a tool for getting from point A to B. Every drive is a unique and enjoyful experience. We are the type to turn off the computer assistance, the traction control, etc and grab that manual knob and shift.

  • Randolph Hoover

    Great post Will! I just ran out of reasons why manual cars are much better than automatic cars when I was having a conversation with my brother last night. Manual will always be more awesome than automatic. Just because of the natural feeling when it comes to shifting gears. That’s why manual models will always be better than automatic.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      It feels fantastic to me as well. I wanted to leave opinions out or else I would have raved emphatically about the amazing feeling of rowing through a gearbox while canyon carving.

  • ella

    Hey ! Im only a 16 year old girl and am from Australia…couldn’t agree more, i love driving manual and practically everyone in Australia knows how to drive one as there quite common here 🙂

  • Shawn

    I just took the dive and bought a manual transmission MR2 Spyder. I was nervous and intimidated when I took possession of it. It seemed so daunting and complicated. But I read the manual, had watched a lot of tutorials on Youtube, and already knew a good bit about auto mechanics and auto racing.

    I stalled it a lot at first. But today was only my 2nd full day driving it and it’s honestly so much easier than I thought it would be. I still have a long way to go. I’m far from comfortable or smooth in it. But I’ve kind of surprised myself how easily and quickly I’ve progressed.

  • ben

    im 37 years old, when I was 17 i bought my first manual and have never looked back. every vehicle ive owned since then has been a manual. ive had manual sports cars, manual trucks, a manual jeep. people who don’t like driving manuals are just in my opinion too busy or something. perhaps the reason I like manuals is because when Im driving….. Im DRIVING!!!! Im not texting, tweeting, facebooking, snap chatting, eating, or putting on makeup…. Im DRIVING and nothing is more fun then driving a manual transmission. It forces you to become aware of the driving situation around you. you have to think about driving. Theres really no way to explain it. you either get it or you don’t…. if you dont you should! I cant stop laughing at the lady who said they were more dangerous or the guy who said they were more expensive!! HILARIOUS!!! Long live the manuals and those man enough to drive them! I will out drive you and your auto any day of the week and get better milage while doing it! autos are for lazy people! put down the egg mcmuffin and your cell phone and enjoy the ride!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Loved this, man. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!

      I considered buying a RHD car recently (I’m in the US so it would be hella different). Someone tried to talk me out of it on the grounds of, “But how will you go through drive-thru’s?” I had to lol. I prefer not to eat when I drive.

  • James H.

    Epic, man! Love your blog. Subscribed.

  • Ged Ward

    Love your website man. Pretty cool. In the UK most cars used to be manual not auto years back before the new dual clutch sytem came in

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Thanks, man. It means a lot.

  • NZ

    My partner loves manuals but they are NOT for me! For the me the best thing about them is they’re easy to roll start if they break down – that’s about it, and was the only good thing about the manual Levin we once owned.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Man, it seems like everyone who hates manuals has had a bad experience. Maybe it’s because they last so long that most of them get demoted to beater status for years and years. But hey, nothing is for everyone! I ate 5 kiwifruit yesterday. Most people wouldn’t go for that. And yes, your name made me remember that fun fact! 🙂

  • Brian

    Nice post Will! My first car was a manual transmission…a Chevy Beretta I nicknamed Ramon (roll the R on your tongue). Loved it…once I learned how to drive it. 🙂 I was “cured” of manual transmission cars though once I moved to the busy city of Atlanta for grad school. Working a manual in daily, crazy-slow traffic was not much fun.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Love the name! How’s ATL for biking?

  • Jason Vitug

    Probably the best list ever. You’re right stick shift cars get borrowed less often and never gets used on road trips. It’s usually 1 in 4 can drive a stick.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      I think 1 in 4 may be generous!

  • Judy Charlotte

    I’ve always wanted to learn how to drive manual cars.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Learn it neow!

      Find someone IRL who can teach you. But for now here’s my lesson…

      start car with clutch in… shift in to first gear… let off clutch while giving the car some gas…. let off clutch completely and give it gas until you need another gear (usually around 15mph)… then clutch in, shift, clutch out… more gas… repeat.

  • AG

    I have had a few manual cars but probably will never own one again. Mainly because manuals in constant traffic sucks and secondly with manual cars i tend to speed much more lol.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Haha, glad I’m not the only one who sometimes pushes down on the gas as hard as the clutch!

  • E.M.

    My dad has always driven a manual. Once I got comfortable driving around normally, I begged him to teach me how to drive his car. I figured there was a slight chance of me being deserted one day with a manual car as my only option, so it was better to learn than not! I stalled out quite a few times but eventually got the hang of it. Unfortunately (mostly fortunately), they switched to a one-car household, and got rid of his car, so I can’t brush up on my skills. They are certainly a lot cheaper and more efficient, but it did kind of suck when stuck in traffic.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Good idea being prepared! You never know when the skill may come in hand.

      I went a year without driving a manual car once. It’s super easy to get back in the saddle.

      I’ve driven a manual in heavy traffic on occasion. I think the trick is to remember it’s all in your head… Moving up 10 feet every time you get a chance won’t help your situation. It’s why you see semi drivers being patient. They know getting into/out of gears every second, weaving into traffic doesn’t help getting through it any faster. But yeah, the left leg can still get a little tired. My left leg used to be so much stronger than my right, I used to walk in circles. Just joking… 😀 I suppose it can get to be a bit of a pain if you were dealing with jams every day.

  • Christine

    I actually prefer driving a manual car because when I drive an automatic, I am not as ‘engaged’ in the driving process. I like being able to slow down with a manual car etc.

    But in the end, Autos tend to be a LOT cheaper in NZ so I bought one of those. It’s probably a lot better for city driving as well.

    I’m happy I learned on a manual as it means I can confidently drive both types 🙂

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      That’s crazy autos are a lot cheaper! They cost so much more to produce! #whatthehecknewzealand

      lol but for real.

  • Rinoa Heartilly

    Great article! Manual is definitely the way to go. When I was looking for my current car I didn’t even consider automatics. I drive a euro sports car and think it is silly to get an auto if you are going to drive a fun car although would consider PDK on some of the newer cars when I eventually get one.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Thanks, Rinoa!!! Love your name, btw.

      So what kind of euro sports car do you drive?

  • Stefanie

    I have no idea how to drive a manual car. Thankfully, I live in NYC where I chose between biking, walking, and the train 🙂

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      I’m a bit jealous, Stephanie. I do bike everywhere in my city but I gots to have a car for those long travels back home! Eh, well!

  • Kalen

    Awesome! My wife and I love having standards. They are just fun! And better on fuel. Those are our main reasons, but these are all great! Interesting article idea too.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hey, Kalen! Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, I just get real passionate for my love of a standard transmission. So many reasons for one. I just drove my standard 100 miles yesterday and it was so fun! Gotta love dropping a gear to pass another car. Makes me feel like Vin Diesel.

  • Alexis

    My boyfriend has been trying so hard to get me to learn manual. I tried once but never tried again. I did learn how to successfully drive a motorcycle though.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Oooh hey, I didn’t know you were a cool biker girl!

  • Clarisse

    My father told me before that everything that are manuals are fuel efficient either it is a motorcycle or a car. My in-laws just bought their new automatic car last June but he told us that he still preferred his old manual car.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Clarisse, welcome to FQF! 🙂

      Manuals are becoming a rare breed. But they are just so much more entertaining. I can see why someone would dislike making the switch.

  • Michelle

    I can remember trying to learn how to drive a manual car in a parking lot with my dad. It did not go too well. I also learned the hard way when looking for a car to purchase and it was a manual and having to walk out on a sale because I just knew that it would not work out for me.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Maybe try another lesson with someone other than your dad. I know my dad wasn’t the best teacher… LOL

  • Emma

    As a woman in her twenties, you get some serious respect if you know how to drive a manual. I love when people assume that I can’t…and then I get to watch their faces when I start driving 🙂

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      True, true, true! I salute you! Next you’ll be getting a sports bike.

  • Natalie

    I did not know it was cheaper to buy a manual car, nor did I know that the transmission lasts longer. I think I’m open to buying a manual car, but I would want a lot of practice before taking the leap since I’ve never owned one before.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      I’ve seen people become proficient in as little as 3 hours!!! 😀

  • NF

    Will! You forgot the biggest reason of them all!

    If you use a stick Europeans won’t mock you for driving an automatic! 😉

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      You guys are smart over there!

  • Camille

    I’ve always wanted to learn how to drive a manual transmission. This is a nice set of reasons to learn!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Do it! It’s so much fun! I’m sure there’s someone who would be glad to teach you!

  • Michelle

    I used to love driving a manual car, so much fun! Sadly I had to trade it in for auto because of the nasty traffic we have in Toronto. I lasted a year driving stick in traffic before I gave up. Now I’ve got tiptronic so I can still have a little fun but my foot always looks for the clutch! Lol!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Haha, whenever I drive an auto my left foot mashes the left edge of the brake pedal when I go to start the car.

  • Deb

    I drive a standard Mazda 2 – my green machine. I love it because it’s zippy and easy to park. I don’t think you mentioned that point – since most standards are small, a standard is easy to park. Being able to drive in Europe is a big one too. My daughter and SIL could not take their trip to the Juno beach in Normandy when on a day excursion off a cruise ship because the rental company did not have the automatic they reserved. They ended up sharing a car with another couple which was great, but that couple was American and were going to US landing beaches instead of Canadian ones. Of course the primary reason for me going with manual transmission was for the gas mileage!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      All great reasons! What year is the Mazda?

  • Melanie

    Ok, you’ve sold me. My bf is OBSESSED with manual cars. He will NOT own an automatic. But I don’t know how to drive his car! I need to learn from someone else, though. Haha. He did know how to drive the rental car in Iceland.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Oh that’s great to hear, Melanie!!!

      Your BF sounds like a keeper! What kind of car does he drive?

    • Dave

      Haha, there’s plenty of expensive cars with manual transmission in the UK. You sound like the kind wuss that couldn’t pass their test in a manual. Don’t worry nobody will laugh at you to your face! (As way of an explanation the govt in the UK consider people who can only drive auto as inferior. If you pass your driving test in an auto you’re only allowed to drive an auto, auto only drivers make up stupid excuses so they don’t look inadequate. This is not a reflection on Americans, we understand that finding a manual is much less common across the pond, they’re in the majority in the UK).

  • weenie

    I’ve never driven an automatic car before but have been told they’re easier than manual. I’ll switch to auto when I retire I think! 🙂

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      I bow down to you! To experience an automatic tranny, just ride around in a bumper car. Same amount of skill required. ;p

  • Lynx

    Great points Will. It would be easier if more manual vehicles were available. The feel of the power in your hands makes for great driving. When I purchased my last vehicle unfortunately there were no manual ones to be found anywhere. I had to settle for an automatic 🙁

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Yep, manuals are definitely more rare nowadays. I stalked http://www.searchtempest.com/ to hunt one down.

      Speaking of power, my Eclipse would be 2 seconds slower in the quarter mile if it had an auto instead of a stick. Blah!

      • Tyler Wiedenfeld

        The Chevy Cruze Eco came with a 5 speed til 2011, and in 2012 got a 6. It’s a smaller car, but are sporty, and the 1.4 is a turbo motor. They also have a diesel model now, but I’m not sure they come in a stick if they have a diesel. There other motor is the 1.8, but it’s not as good as the 1.4, being as it doesn’t have a turbo, it doesn’t have good low rpm torque. Not that you’d really need torque in a small economy car.

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

          That 1.4 sounds like a great buy. It would be a shame if they didn’t make the diesel available with a manual. That would be high MPG heaven.

      • Mark Edward Weldon

        I’m British and have only had one automatic car. I learnt to drive in a manual and bought an automatic in a hurry. It was ok but it wasn’t really like driving. I’m back with a manual car now and I’m enjoying driving again. In Britain if you take your driving test in an automatic you’re not allowed to drive a manual.
        I disagree with the contributor who said most cars in the UK are now automatic. Here it’s mostly old and or disabled people who drive automatics. My wife hated the automatic and wouldn’t drive it unless she really had to. She joked about me being able to still drive a a “proper” car, but it’s like riding a bike, you don’t forget.

  • Kassandra

    Does tiptronics count 😉 My DH is a big fan of the shift stick. I prefer automatic but would be willing to learn manual, just to say that I know how and if I ever needed to drive one.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      If you ever go abroad… or if there’s a zombie apocalypse and the only car you can commandeer is a stick. You can never be too prepared…!

  • Laurie

    I have to admit, Will: I was all prepared to counter you on this, but you’ve sold me!! Lots of good reasons here and I won’t turn my back so quickly on a manual next time we pick out a vehicle. I especially like #9. And you know what: I haven’t ever tried a Big Mac either!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Ooooh cool! Especially since I didn’t intend the article to be persuasive. I just wanted to throw the facts out there.

      Since you’re out in the country, it’s especially easy to drive a manual. Far less shifting than in a city! Dang near as easy as an auto.

      You haven’t had a Big Mac?! We should start a club! But I don’t think we’re missing out on much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbjxBNx1_Hg

  • Anne

    I am not a fan of manual transmissions. Also, new automatics are more fuel efficient than manuals are, the systems are very dialed.
    I lost the battle on our last vehicle, though, so our car is a manual.
    They’re also more dangerous in traffic, due to the stalling and rolling back. There are some modern features, like a break hold delay, that help to improve some aspects of that, but they still pose that risk over an automatic.
    They are easier to give power, though. Most new automatics also have a “manual” override, where you can drop cars down into lower gears, which is useful for things like quickly merging onto an on ramp.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      You’re a fan of airplanes but despise a manual transmission?! I would think as a lover of machine you would enjoy being more involved during a drive!

      I have seen some new automatics which are comparable to manual tranny’s in terms of MPG only. However, those are so new and on such high-end vehicles, I don’t really recommend anyone seek them out.

      More dangerous in traffic.. Hmm.. I suppose if you don’t pay attention you could roll back into someone. But if a person can’t pay enough attention not to do that, they probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel in the first place.

      Most automatics with ‘manual’ modes are just for giggles. My last rental car had one. It did make me feel slightly cooler..

      Anyway, at the end of the day, to each their own!

      • Izet

        More dangerous….Really? How is that? If you are rolling back it means that you cannot drive…I had a auto with same manners you know BMW smg tranny its an automatic that acts like a manual where if you don’t hold a brake it will go backwards, but think about this you are saying going backward that’s only if you don’t hold a brake…however what happens to automatic if you don’t hold a brake? It goes forward right? What’s the difference….so they’re both unsafe whether i roll backward or go forward makes no difference LOL!

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

          Haha, Izet, they keep lobbing ’em up and we keep knockin’ ’em out of the park!

          Many modern manual cars also have hill brake assist as well. So you won’t roll back even if you aren’t paying attention.

    • Matthew M Snyder

      Dangerous in traffic? Yes, this may be true for newbies at stick. But once you’ve gotten pat the first month or two driving stick you’ll rarley if not ever stall anymore. I tend to stall 3 or 4 times a year.Its always when im tired and not completely focused on the clutch to gas ratio. Other then that stick is so much safer if it werent for stick I would have probably rear ended people a few times because of quick braking in their small cars. See I drive a Jeep Wrangler which normally can’t stop nearly as fast as the little cars, but because of my ability to downshift and engine brake I have never gotten in an accident in my 8 years of driving.

  • Aldo

    I’m sorry but I will never get a manual car. It’s just too damn annoying. Most of my driving is done in the city and having to shift up and down ALL DAY LONG is insane. I rather just put it on D and go. True, it gives you better gas mileage and they are cheaper, but I don’t think they’re necessarily safer nor do I think people who drive them save on gas. People with manual transmissions tend to speed all the time, which is unsafe and waste gas. They’re always looking for that gap where they could shift and pass the person in front of them. If you’re not one of those people then you are in the minority.

    It is also not easier or safer to drive them on the mountains. I drove a manual transmission in Costa Rica and got stuck behind a truck on a no passing zone and was also confused on which gear I should be on. I rather just press the gas and go. Also it’s very challenging to start the car going up hill. It’s like a puzzle. Hold the emergency break, put it in gear, give it some gas, slowly engage the clutch, release the emergency break, now you can go. With an automatic is just put it on Drive and go. It also stalls if you’re not paying attention. It’s just a big hassle.

    To me a car is just a means of transportation, something to get me from point A to point B. If I could get a car that could drive me to where I needed to go without me having to do anything at all, that would be ideal. I’m not lazy, I just rather be holding my girl’s hand than a stick… but that’s just me.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hey Aldo, thanks for the reply. I like some disagreement!

      Sounds like you’ve had some bad experiences driving a stick. It’s a learned skill, that’s for sure. But it becomes second-nature after awhile.

      I hear you about holding your girls hand instead of a shift knob but I think any girl I date can hold off while we’re going through traffic.

      • Izet

        Hahah sorry Aldo, but you’re insane with this post. There is nothing better then driving a manual and i can confirm out of 24 cars that i changed only 3 were automatic :). I also traveled thru out U.S and Canada…I drove from Chicago to Indy with a bad clutch once! Yes i forced into a gear and made it home…would automatic get me there? I highly doubt it! Would automatic start from 0mph in 4th gear yes slowly until reaching speed…I freaking doubt it! Driving a manual is like riding a bike. Yes i am from S.E Europe and been around them for 13 years before coming here, but that’s not the point. Lets talk about holding a girls hand lol I had no problem holding girls hang while shifting or anything for that matter, you know you can also shift without pressing a clutch its all the matter of timing and listening to your engine…I spent a lot of time driving and honestly automatics made me fall asleep not to mention loosing a tranny in the middle of the road that happened couple of times they just go bad on the spot!! I told you a clutch story, now let me also tell you a starter story….when a starter goes bad push the car pop the clutch and VOILA! While on auto all you can do is try to hit it with a hammer 😀 if its totally bad then call a towing buddy :).

  • Paul

    Great post! I’m glad to hear I’m not the only who enjoys driving a stick!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      It’s the only way to go!

      • Daniel Kaupang

        Fantastic article, Will! As an European, I find it very strange that Americans don’t learn driving manuals before switching over to automatics. Driving a manual is so much fun and I feel like I’m driving the car instead of the car driving me. I actually started learning driving with an automatic when I was 16 and I couldn’t imagine myself driving a manual car EVER back then. I imagine that’s how Americans think when they start learning with an automatic. After mastering the skill of driving a manual, I can’t imagine myself owning an automatic any time soon.

        The reason why luxury car manufacturers have stop producing cars with a manual transmission is because people prefer standing out in the crowd and feel more superior then actually having fun. Audi recently announced that they will stop producing the R8 with a manual which is such a shame.

        The demand for manuals is still super high here in Europe, so i doubt that they will become instinct 🙂 And let’s hope that articles like these will make a difference in the US and will encourage Americans to give the manual “stick-shift” a try. Thank you for writing this article!

        • Anthony Keaveny

          I tried to teach my mother to drive a manual car !! End of that story. Cheap is Cheap and now in my country England, only cheap little cars come with manual. I live across from a school and look at the mums in the Range Rovers, Jags, Mercedes…none of them could drive a shift.. They are for poor people.

          • Anthony Keaveny

            BUT I did make my 2 sons learn to shift. We had a little Bedford Van, and I took them every Sunday to an industrial Estate and made Garry, 13 and Mark 15 Learn to drive a manual. Now, of course they drive automatics, but they CAN drive a shift!>>>

    • Dave

      No, you are not. This North American enjoys driving a stick too!

  • Kipp

    Hey Will,

    Great post on manual transmission cars. I will be honest… I don’t have a manual, but both my wife and I are interested in learning how to drive one, but our parents never had manuals around. So I guess when the old car dies we can revisit this desire and force ourselves to learn by buying it!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      As Jim Kramer would say… “Sell, sell, sell!”

    • NF

      You should definitely try a manual, Kipp! They’re not hard to drive at all and I find they keep me more focussed on the road.

      • First Quarter Finance logo
        First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky


    • Nick OnGoogle

      I’m at a point where I have to decide whether I can bear to drive an auto – and I’ve driven many of them.
      I thought ‘Why not hire one to see how I feel about them these days’ … but I know in my heart what the answer will be.
      What I like about a manual is that the speed of your driving wheels is locked to the speed of the engine.
      Take your foot off, you slow down.
      Put it down, you speed up – no wishy-whooshy, vague and slow response.
      Auto’s are for those who get relatively little out of driving – who don’t really want to be fully involved with the process – who don’t appreciate the impact that attitude has on vehicle behaviour (forward and rearward weight-shift, etc) … all of which go to make up the rewarding experience that is the full control you get in a manual car.
      Auto/manual preference is what really tells you whether someone’s a driver or merely a passenger in the driver’s seat.

      • bibO

        your muscle car and flappy paddles. too funny.

        • Dave

          LOL! Agree!

      • Andy

        What kind of gearbox is it? which Muscle car do you have?
        Old and fading technology it certainly isn’t. If you poke your head outside of America you will find the rest of the world isn’t letting the “stick” fade away any time soon.

    • Max

      I use to drive a manual for several years and I miss her a lot. Nothing beats a manual. The automatics and CVT’s now a days do have just as good if not better mpg than manuals. The traffic nightmare is not a big deal once you get use to it. The one down side to owning a manual is if you choose to sell it than it would be more difficult due to most don’t know how to drive one and would rather have an auto.