Did you know that donated blood is usually sold? Although most blood banks are nonprofits, the Red Cross and others often sell donated blood. The Red Cross alone sells about $2 billion worth of blood each year. Part of the money these organizations gain from selling blood is used to cover costs associated with blood testing and processing, as well as employee salaries.

Every time you donate, you give roughly one pint of blood. A single pint of blood sells for $180 to $300. You don’t have to give your blood away just to let a company get paid instead of you — at many blood banks, you can ask to receive payment for the blood you donate. Payments range from $10 to $60 per donation.

Selling your blood or plasma is not just a way to earn a little side income. People all over the world rely on the generosity of plasma donors whose valuable plasma proteins treat rare, chronic diseases. This article explains where to go, how to donate blood for money, how much you can get paid, what it’s like to give blood, whether blood donation money is considered taxable income, and more.

How Much Money Can You Earn Donating?

People usually talk about donating blood, but it’s what’s in your blood that matters: plasma. When you donate, it’s the plasma that most blood banks want. Plasma is about 90% water, while the other 10% is made up of salts, enzymes, antibodies, and proteins. You can legally donate plasma as often as twice per week, but some blood banks may have a stricter limit.

Prices for donating plasma vary. You can generally expect to receive about $30 per donation at most blood banks, but payments may range anywhere from $10 to $60 per donation. Blood banks usually pay you right after you donate blood, either via cash or prepaid debit card.

You can’t make donating plasma a full-time job, but it can be a reliable source of side income. If you find a blood bank in your area that pays $60 per donation and allows you to donate twice per week, you could earn up to about $500 per month, or about $6,000 per year. However, given the payment range and differing policies on donation frequency, it’s safer to assume you may earn around $80 to $240 per month.

All blood types (A, B, AB, and O) are paid the same amount, with one exception: If you have Rh-negative blood, you may be paid more than Rh-positive donors, since Rh-negative blood is rarer than Rh-positive blood.

The consensus from blood banks is that since you’re “donating,” any compensation you earn isn’t taxable income. If your donations were considered taxable, the blood bank would need to get your Social Security number and send you a W-9. As long as this doesn’t happen, you can be sure the income is not taxable.

Who’s Eligible to Donate Blood?

If you are between the ages of 18 and 65 and weigh more than 110 pounds (see our article to find out where you can weigh yourself for free), you’ve met the first two requirements for donating blood. You’ll also need to be in generally good health and will have to do some sort of physical examination at the blood bank before your first donation. Requirements vary slightly by state and by donation center.

You are ineligible to donate blood if you:

  1. Have or have had certain medical conditions:
    • those who are HIV-positive
    • those who have had hepatitis after their 11th birthday
    • those who have had babesiosis or Chagas disease
    • those who have risk factors for or a blood relative with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  2. Take or have taken certain medications:
    • those who take a blood clotter
    • those who have taken etretinate (Tegison) for psoriasis
    • those who take isotretinoin, a drug used to treat severe acne, commonly referred to as Accutane, Claravis, Amnesteem, Absorica, Myorisan, or Zenatane.
    • those who have ever had drug injections not prescribed by a doctor (think illegal drugs or steroids)
  3. Have certain travel experiences:
    • those who have visited a malaria-risk country recently (See the this page of the CDC website for specific details if you have traveled or lived in a malaria-risk country.)
    • those who have received a blood transfusion in the UK or France between 1980 and the present
    • those who have spent significant time outside of the country recently
  4. Fall into one of these other categories:
    • those who have exchanged sex for money or drugs
    • those who have gotten a tattoo or piercing in the last 12 months (This rule may not apply in all states.)

Keep in mind that there are some potential disadvantages to blood donation including bruising, continued bleeding, physical weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and pain. For may donors and sellers, the side effects of donation are mild and are outweighed by the opportunity to help people (and, in some cases, make a little money). However, before donating, it’s best to consider your own well-being and whether you have had particularly strong side effects after having blood drawn in the past.

Where to Donate Blood for Money

There are more than 400 licensed and certified plasma collection centers located in the United States. Each center may have slightly different rules about age requirements and additional medical requirements, such as brief physical exams or drug tests. Please note: Not all plasma donation centers offer compensation to donors. See our article for the list of plasma donation centers near you.

What to Expect When Donating Blood for Money

Typically, you do not need an appointment to donate plasma. You will have to bring the following with you:

  • Current photo I.D.
  • Social Security or Border Crossing ID
  • Proof of local address

Once you arrive, you’ll go through the following sequence of events:

  1. A donation center associate will greet you and check your identification. If it is your first visit, you will receive a physical examination from a medical professional.
  2. A technician will take a blood sample from your finger.
  3. You’ll complete a donor history questionnaire.
  4. If you’re determined eligible to donate plasma, you’ll be taken to the donation area.
  5. A technician will prepare your arm by wiping it with antiseptic. Then, he or she will insert the needle and start drawing blood. When the needle is inserted, you may feel some initial discomfort. But once the needle is in, you shouldn’t feel any pain.
  6. While the blood is drawn, plasma is separated from other blood components, and red blood cells will be returned to your body. The whole process takes two hours on your first visit and approximately an hour and a half for subsequent visits.
  7. After completing a successful donation, you’ll receive compensation for your time. The amount and form of compensation will vary by agency and individual donation center, but donors are typically paid with a prepaid, reloadable card.

Before you head to your appointment, you should eat a healthy meal (stay away from too many fats) and drink two extra glassfuls of water. Donating can leave you more susceptible to dehydration.

Right after your donation, you may feel a bit dizzy. Make sure to eat some food, drink plenty of water, and relax for a bit. Most donation centers will offer doughnuts, cookies, juice, water, and other treats to help you re-energize. Leave your bandage on for at least four or five hours after your blood draw. If your arm is a bit sore, you can take acetaminophen or ice the area. You should feel completely normal in a day or two, or even sooner.

In Summary

Now you know how to donate blood for money. If you’re eligible, donating plasma can be a great way to earn a little side income and feel like you’re helping people at the same time. You can earn up to about $500 per month selling plasma, but will more typically earn between $80 and $240 per month. But, please note, not all plasma donation centers compensate donors. For example, the Red Cross relies solely on volunteers. You can find donation centers nationwide, with KEDPlasma, CSL Plasma, and BioLife Plasma being some of the biggest. Many companies have multiple locations and work in multiple states.

For more information on medical donations, see our articles on how much you can get paid for donating sperm, donating eggs, and donating hair.

This Season


  • Janelle

    I have been diabetic for 11years and when I was in high school trying to donate blood the test results came back a false positive for hepatitis. After that I was deterred from donating. Can I still donate?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Janelle,

      If you go to a different organization than the one that deferred you, you should be screened and tested again. As long as those test results come back clean, you should be able to donate. According to the Red Cross, people with diabetes that is well controlled with oral medication or insulin are eligible to donate blood. I hope this helps!

  • Nathan

    Good Evening,

    I’ve been looking for quite awhile now for any donation centers in California near Vacaville, and can only find one in Sacramento as the closest one.

    Is there any other center that’s closer to the zip code of 95687 for blood and/or plasma?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Nathan,

      Unfortunately, I found the same results that you did — there’s an Octapharma in Sacramento and that’s the closest donation center I could find to Vacaville. Sorry I couldn’t bring you better news!

  • Diana

    I was qualified to give plasma at Octapharma in North Charleston until my FINAL “physical” just before actually giving my plasma.
    Then I got disqualified because I had had a joint replacement!
    What gives???
    I went through a two-hour waiting process only to find this out at the very end of my visit.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Diana,

      I’m sorry to hear about your frustrating experience at Octapharma! It is up to each blood donation center to determine its donor requirements, and Octapharma’s website states that donors must be “in good health” and that specific medical conditions “may or may not” affect donor eligibility — pretty vague guidelines. I couldn’t find any information from the Red Cross (which has published quite extensive donor eligibility criteria) or Octapharma about joint replacement, so it may be one of those things that’s handled on an individual basis.

  • Dakota Steinke

    What are the limitations to working out or doing physical activity? When can and when can’t I do a workout before or after donating plasma?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Dakota,

      There are no restrictions on working out prior to donating blood. Afterward, donors are advised not to undertake any strenuous activity for the rest of the day. By the next day, if you feel 100%, you’re welcome to go back to your normal routine.

  • Fred Percy

    Hi..i’m Fred Percy in Kenya,EastAfrica.I wanted to inquire if this initiative is available this way,i would realy love to participate in this process.thank u

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Fred,

      Unfortunately, I’m really only able to speak to the blood donation programs in the United States. I am not sure about what organizations may be available in your area, but a Google search for “blood donation [your city]” is never a bad place to start. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help and best of luck!

  • Bettina M.

    I have been donating blood for over 5 years, and am registered with the National Bone Marrow Registry. I would like to earn money for my blood. I am O+ not sure if that’s rare or not. I have been doing it through OneBlood.org. Do they pay for a donation?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Bettina,

      While OneBlood.org does offer some rewards for donors, it looks like the organization does not pay for blood or plasma donations.

  • Karen

    All the information you provided under the below captions are NOT for Blood Donation, as they are stated. It is for Plasma Donation.

    Most Popular Places to Donate Blood throughout the United States
    Getting Paid
    How Your Body May React to Donating a Pint of Blood
    Age Requirements for Donating Blood (Upper and Lower Age Requirements)
    Drug Testing Procedures Prior to Selling/Donating Blood
    General Requirements for Blood Donation

    Do you have any information on where to get paid for donating blood?

    Thank you.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Karen,

      We do use blood and plasma somewhat interchangeably throughout the article, as the process is very similar for the person doing the donating. Generally speaking, anytime someone talks about being paid for blood donation, they are talking about plasma donation. Organizations typically do not pay for whole blood donation. This has to do with the way the blood is used: whole blood will sometimes go directly into another person as a transfusion, while plasma will be broken down into protein products. The process of breaking down the plasma helps prevent viruses from being transmitted from the donor. Whole blood donation is not compensated to discourage people from lying about their health history or risk behaviors, which poses a higher safety risk with whole blood donation than with plasma.

  • Ness

    How can I find a place to donate blood/plasma for cash only instead of a prepaid debit card? That way I can put it into my account and be able to save up money? Also I got a tattoo in March in a State regulated (MS). Will I still have to wait a year before donating? I can’t really afford to as this has become my last hope in making any money until I can find a real job.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Ness,

      As far as the tattoo, you shouldn’t need to wait 12 months since you got the tattoo in a regulated state. The guidelines on tattoos might vary somewhat among organizations, so you may want to call ahead to your local donation center to be sure. Unfortunately, it’s very rare to find a plasma donation center that pays in cash. I was only able to find organizations that use prepaid debit cards. Sorry I couldn’t bring you better news!


    HI.currently donate my.blood to bloodwprks I would love to make money as I help others

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Theresa,

      A little extra money is always a nice thing, especially when it’s for something as important as plasma donation. I hope you can find somewhere on our list that works for you, and let me know if I can help!

  • Patty Roeker

    Where can I donate blood (O-)locally and get paid for it. My zip code is 56048

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Patty,

      There’s an Octapharma location in Maplewood, MN. There’s also a CSL Plasma in Bloomington, MN and several others not far from Minneapolis. BioLife has a Mankato, MN location — here’s the link to that center. I hope this helps!

  • j olsen

    i am 22 yrs old and not sure what my blood type is. i weigh over 200 lbs. my question is i got a tattoo about 3 years ago. its only an inch top to bottom and an inch and a half across. i got it done at home but I opened the materials when it was done. am i still eligible to make money for my blood?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi J,

      The restriction on tattoos is to control the risk of blood-transmissible disease, like hepatitis. These diseases can take up to 12 months after exposure to show up in a screening, which is why there’s a 12-month deferment on new tattoos (in a non-regulated state). Since your tattoo is over 12 months old, it shouldn’t be a concern and you’re most likely eligible to donate (unless your local center has a specific policy). You can always ask the health historian at the donation center if you have any further questions. I hope this helps!

  • LS

    I take prescription medications for pain, depression and anxiety. I also have tattoos and have panic attacks if I get dizzy! My tattoos are all over 6 years. Am I going to be banned? Do I need to bring proof for everything?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi LS,

      In the majority of cases, medication won’t disqualify you from donating blood. (The Red Cross provides a list of medications that will cause deferment, if you’d like to check for your specific prescriptions.) As far as tattoos, since yours are all over a year old, most places will allow you to donate without a problem. If you have any proof of when you got the tattoos, it might be a good idea to bring that along, just in case.

      If you have any remaining doubts, you can always call ahead to your local blood donation center — that way you’ll know for sure. Best of luck!

  • Aj Benoit

    Hello, of I donate plasma cN I still donate blood? What are some locations near Phoenix AZ to donate blood. This would greatly help pay for school.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi AJ,

      Here’s what I found on the Grifols website about donating blood after donating plasma: “It’s recommended that you wait two to three days after donating plasma before you donate whole blood. And after you’ve donated a unit of whole blood, the recommendation is to wait eight weeks (56 days) before donating plasma.”

      A fellow Phoenician! There’s a CSL Plasma location in Gilbert, and two more in Tempe — here are the CSL Plasma locations (just choose Arizona from the drop-down to get local results). Biomat also has some nearby locations, one in Mesa and one in Phoenix. Here are the locations for Biomat (filter for Arizona for local results). I hope this helps!

  • ryan40

    What kind of physical exam do they do? It would be kind of embarrassing to have to disrobe just to donate plasma.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller


      Most people report that the physical is pretty quick and simple — typically the nurses will just check your weight, prick your finger for a small blood sample, take your vitals, and ask you some health questions. The exact routine might vary a little from place to place, but you won’t be asked to disrobe. The article has been updated to reflect this information.

  • ryan40

    What kind of physical exam do they do? It would be kind of embarrassing to have to disrobe for a physical just to donate plasma.

  • Joe

    Where can I make some money selling my blood, I live in Monticello mn

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Joe,

      It looks like CSL Plasma has a location in Minneapolis. Maplewood, MN (Octapharma) is another option. Talecris has a location in Fridley, MN. Biolife has a location in St. Cloud. You can find additional information by visiting the websites for each of these organizations. I hope this helps!

  • Steve

    I live in NYC so all donations are handled by the New York blood centers. I can’t seem to find any that will play for your blood or plasma since what I’ve found is everything runs through them. Any ideas? Anything that you know of in the NYC area?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Steve,

      I looked through the location finders of all the major blood banks, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to find anywhere that offered compensation for plasma donation in your area. Sorry I couldn’t bring you better news!

  • beans

    I’d like to donate plasma. I started going through the links but none of them were giving me any nearby locations. granted I may have missed something. I’m in Central NJ. Any idea where a paid plasma location would be? I recall there being some way down closer to Philly, but that’s pretty far away from me. I live closer to the NY side.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller


      I did search through all the listed donation centers and tried a couple other resources as well, but unfortunately I didn’t find any donation centers in your local area. If you’d like to just donate plasma without being compensated, there are some options for that (many local hospitals will offer this option) — but I couldn’t find anything that pays. Sorry I couldn’t bring you better news!

  • Thor Gundersan

    I live in Portsmouth, Virginia and was wondering 4 things: 1)which of these places are located in my city 2)which places are near my city
    3)which locations generally pay the most to new donors
    4)which locations generally pay the most to returning donors
    Note: for 3 & 4 I said generally because I noticed that with some their price can vary slightly & I just need a general idea. If possible leave phone numbers alongside the locations you mention but exclude grifols because I’ve been there and they suck. Thanks!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Thor,

      Octapharma has a location in Portsmouth (phone number 757-393-9202). PlasmaCare, Inc. (associated with GRIFOLS) has a location in Portsmouth (757-393-1200). KEDPlasma has a location in Bristol, VA (276-645-6035). BioLife has a center in Harrisonburg, VA (540-801-0672). It looks like those are all the donation centers with locations in your state.
      Unfortunately, I can’t say too much about 3 and 4 — the average amount will be close to $20-$30, and it doesn’t tend to vary a great deal between new donors and returning donors. In all likelihood, the rates will be reasonably similar across most organizations. I hope this helps!

  • Christina

    I have O negative RH negative blood type and was wondering if I should just donate it or if I could get paid for giving my blood.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Christina,

      When you donate blood (whether you’re being paid for it or not), what you’re actually donating is plasma and plasma is blood type blind — so you won’t be compensated any more or less based on your blood type. Although you won’t be paid more than someone with another blood type, you should be able to donate to any organization on our list and be paid for it. I hope this helps!

  • Andrew


    I wanted to know which of these companies pay the most as new donors and returning. I currently reside in the San Fernando Valley. I am 5’11 and weigh in at 172lbs.

    Thanks for the info. This article is very informative.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Andrew,

      It looks like there’s a KEDPlasma location in Reseda, CA (local number 818-201-3800). Biomat, USA (local number 818-344-0204) and Octapharma (local number +1 818 997 6033) both have locations in Van Nuys. Regarding compensation, the KEDPlasma website states that each center has a slightly different compensation schedule and to check with your local center for their current compensation. All three of these organizations have a similarly variable payment policy, so you’ll need to get in touch with whichever center is most convenient to you to find out specific rates.

      I’m glad to hear you found the article useful — thanks for writing in!

  • Adam

    Hello, I’m currently receiving unemployment but it’s not quite enough to pay the bills. If I donate plasma to my local CSL location and they give out the prepaid card will the unemployment office find out? I’m unsure of whether they notify anyone or place about their donations.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

      Hi Adam,

      It’s unlikely that the donation center will directly notify anyone of your donation (although that may change if you start donating regularly). That being said, I strongly recommend asking your unemployment office beforehand about whether you’re required to report income from donating plasma. The specific rules may vary from state to state — some places will allow you to make a certain amount of money without it affecting your unemployment benefits, and some don’t allow any income at all. Others have specific requirements about what type of income needs to be reported. It would be better to find out ahead of time than to lose your benefits just because you didn’t know. Best of luck!

  • Gurpreet Singh

    my blood group are o+ I am 27 years old 5.6 hight 60 kg wait
    I want sale my blood any body how want please contact me

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Hillary Miller

      Hi Gurpreet,

      Based on your weight and age, you should be able to donate most anywhere on our list, as long as you meet the other requirements. I recommend trying the location finder for Octapharma Plasma, Inc., Talecris Plasma Resources, or CSL Plasma, as those organizations have some of the most widespread locations. The location finders are listed in the last section of the post. Best of luck!

  • Darleen

    Where can I donate for money…I donated in the past many years ago but, I do not think they were doing eating for money back for maybe they were time just trying to find out does anyone know where I can donate some money in the Midlothian Virginia area or surrounding area close by…

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Darleen,

      You may use the location locator links which are listed towards the end of the post to see exactly which locations are nearest to you. I used them to find places that buy blood in Virginia in general and here were the results: KEDPlasma, Talecris Plasma, BioLife Plasma.

  • Book

    I want to donate my blood. I did sonate ky blood in Thailand before every 4 months and I’ve been did that for 4 years before I came USA so the point is I don’t have ID my visa expired I’m not citizen but I live in Vegas almost 5 years never have drug no tattoos so how can I make money for my blood ? Or I can’t get money for that? I’m waiting your answer thanks

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Book,

      What form(s) of valid ID do you have?

      • Book

        I don’t have anything but I still have my passport

      • Book

        I had student visa before but now I don’t have anything

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

          I’m afraid no blood bank can take your blood due to your lack of ID.

          • Book

            Thanks for reply my question I will go to blood bank and ask again

          • kamal chettri

            I m am from india i rly need money cn u suggest where should I go to donate my blood

          • First Quarter Finance logo
            First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

            Hi Kamal,

            In 1996, there was a Supreme Court ruling which has made it illegal to get paid for donating blood in India. I’m sorry but you cannot legally get paid for your blood in India.


    i want to donate my o+ ve blood for money am an INDIAN girl aged 22 weight 55 and 165cm hight i would like to join with this and please tell me the procedure to become a part of this and here by am informing you that your conditions and rules i have read and am much suitable for it. hope you will consider me very soon and now am in India ,Kerala state ,Calicut district.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Safleena,

      In 1996, there was a Supreme Court ruling banning anyone from being compensated for blood donations in India. Blood demand is greater than supply so there is a black market where blood goes for about $15 per unit. But of course participating is illegal. Sorry for the news. You can read more here.

  • Jordan Taylor

    Hello Will!
    Thanks for the detailed information! Was wondering if you know of any decent locations for these kind of donations in southern California as I honestly don’t know the first place to start looking and honestly right now my schedule doenst really allow me time to call up plasma centers to find anything out. Any info, ecen just a good lead would be a huge help!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Jordan,

      My pleasure! Included in the last section of the post are now links to each donation centers’ location locator page. You can quickly click the link to see if there are locations near you. I used California for testing and looks like Southern California has lots of blood donation centers.

  • Kingsley eze

    where can i execute my mission by donating

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Kingsley,

      You can find a donation center near you here, you can go to a Red Cross donation center (though know it will be sold) or you can contact a local hospital.

  • Anita survase

    Comment i want to sale blood plasima in pune but i dont no the center.my blood group is AB+

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Anita,

      Any places that takes plasma will take any blood type. Use the location locator for each plasma center listed in this post to find the locations nearest you.

  • Donohugh Innis

    Where in the Orlando can you get paid up to $500 per month for your plasma ?

  • kakaay

    Can I give blood if I’m not united state’ citizens ?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Kakaay,

      Of all the major blood donation centers, GRIFOLS is the only one to publish anything about donating if you’re a non US-citizen. In this case, all you need in order to donate as a non US citizen is to provide proof of your Individual Taxpayer Identification number (ITIN). It’s also rumored that other places will still take your blood but since it’s no other plasma centers have any published information on the subject, please call your local centers to inquire. If you have any follow-up questions, let me know!

  • Kathleen Stevens

    Where is the closes place to donate blood for money Dunedin Fl. 34698

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Kathleen,

      You can go with Octapharma Plasma or CSL Plasma. Click each link to see exact locations near you. Let me know if I can do anything else to help!

  • Andrew Ardmore

    Hi so I was wondering if your blood vains will colapse kinda like drug addicts do from useing a needle in your arm too much I’m just kinda worried also can you donate when your 16 with permission I know the article touched on it briefly but I was still unsure

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      When a body gets stuck with a needle, your body does one of two things to heal itself: regeneration or repair. Regeneration means no scarring and you’re returned to ‘like new’ condition. But if there’s not enough time for regeneration (if you stick the same spot over and over again) your body will go into repair mode. That leads to scarring. Luckily, you cannot sell blood often enough for your body to go into repair mode. So scarring is not a worry unless you are very old and your body has gotten very slow at regeneration. Most people switch arms each time they donate to give even more healing time.

      Your veins will not collapse either. The frequency of the trauma to them is not enough to cause harm. It’s one of the reasons the government disallows us to donate blood more often.

      There are no blood donation centers in the US that will pay for blood from a 16 year old – parental consent or not. You can give blood through The Red Cross at 16 with parental consent (in some states) but you of course won’t be compensated. Link for more info about donating via The Red Cross.

      The article has been updated to reflect this information.

      • Kate

        Actually I only donated 4 times maybe and still have scarring to this day. That was over 14 years ago. The same thing happened to my friends that I went with. We were all young and healthy. Also, there are other risks to consider, rare as they may be. The last one that I donated, the centrifuge broke. For those that aren’t familiar, it is the machine that separates your plasma from your blood so that it can then return the blood to your body. At least, that’s the way they did it then and most still do from what I understand. So, then you can’t donate for a longer amount of time anyway for your body to build the volume back up. But, I was done with it after that experience anyway.

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

          Hi Kate,

          Sorry you had such an unpleasant experience! You’re definitely right that there are some other risks associated with donating plasma. Just like any procedure, things can and do go wrong on occasion. Thanks for writing in to share your experience.

    • CanadianDonor

      Im canadian and have AB RH NEGATIVE BLOOD. What centre pays the most in new york state (buffalo)

      • First Quarter Finance logo
        First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

        Hi Canadian Donor,

        You should do a search for plasma centers in Buffalo, NY, and contact them to find out exactly what they will pay. Payment sometimes depends on factors specific to you beyond just blood and within the same company can vary between location. Of our list, it looks like only KED Plasma has a location near by.

  • utkarsh

    hi .i want to just know that is there any side effects for donating plazma from blood means there must an important role for plazma in our blood . and we are taking it out ?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Utkarsh,

      Wise question. Plasma is largely water so when you donate, you feel dehydrated if you’re not very hydrated before beginning the donation process. It’s because plasma is largely water. So stay hydrated and you should feel fine. As soon as you start to donate plasma, your body works quickly to get you back to its normal level. This is done within 2 days. It’s a very safe process.

      The article has been updated to reflect this information.

      • Christopher C

        Over the years I donated 3 gallons of blood to the Red Cross, what finally made me stop was a friend having surgery. I banked directed donations for him, during surgery they used 2 units of platelets and plasma. He was charged $9,000 a unit even for unused blood products. $27K for blood that was specifically for him. His insurance paid for part of it but 20K still came from him. I started thinking how much that is being made from my fluids.wondering why they charged so much, answer I received was because we can if I didn’t like it go hang with th junkies. Since that day the ARC has not received a drop of my AB+, they never helped after Hurricane Mathew when my family was in need of help We begged them for assistance and still can’t get a call returned. To the Devil with them why should I not be paid they are well paid

  • Myyonna

    Hi how much do you receive your 6 time donating at csl plasma

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Myyonna,

      New donors can earn up to $300 per month at CSL Plasma. Existing donors can earn up to $400 per month. You also receive points called iGive. These points can be redeemed for extra cash as money gets loaded onto a prepaid debit card. According to the FDA, you can give up to twice per 7-day period. As long as your location (and your body) allows to give up to the max, $225 for donating 6 times if you’re new, $300 if you’ve sold plasma to CSL Plasma in the past. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. Thanks, Myyonna.

      • BigJon79

        so every 6th time you give…you get $225 as like a bonus???

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

          No $225 bonus, that’s just the rate if you’re new and donate six times. With the iGive rewards program though, if you donate twice per week, you can earn a $55 bonus though.

      • Sue Vans

        Current rate at CSL (9/3/2016) for first time donors is 60/60, 40/40, then 70 (then 40 if you make it the 2nd time in the week). After that, If you weigh 150-160 you get 20/40. If you weight under 150 you only get 15/20. I would never waste my time on this for $35 a week when you spend 2-3 hours doing it, waiting in line, then a needle in your arm. Telacris pays everyone the same.

  • AK

    How long is the needle actually in your arm for?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi AK,

      The actual donation itself, the time when the needle is in your arm, typically takes between 30-55 minutes. Donating plasma takes longer than donating whole blood because the plasma gets stripped out and the rest of the blood elements get put back into your body (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). There should no be any pain after the needle is inserted.

      The article has been updated to reflect this information.

  • Devon

    How soon can I do this?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Devon,

      If you’re referring to the age you must be in order to donate blood for money, in nearly every state it’s 18. Though Biomat USA requires you to be 19 and the following three states have a higher age of majority than most: Delaware (19), Mississippi (21) and Nebraska (19). No minors are allowed to sell blood. Though if you’re 17, you can donate to The Red Cross. They of course don’t pay but it might be good to give to them once just to make sure you can handle the process just fine.

  • kandi

    I’m not allowed in any of the plasma centers where i live but i have rh- blood can you help me find d a place to sell my blood.. i live in cedar rapids iowa…

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Next go to hospitals in your area that pay for blood. If you don’t mind me asking, why are you not allowed in the plasma donation centers where you live? For the same reason, you may not be allowed to sell blood to hospitals.

  • Jenn

    Im wondering if, since I have the universal “sought after” blood type O-, I can aquire more $ for my blood donation ? Ive looked into it, but havent found much. I did hear if you are donating plasma,not blood that blood type doesnt matter. Thoughts/info ??

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Jenn,

      AB(-), B(-), O(-) and Rh-null blood types are indeed rare. However, your initial research was correct. It’s the plasma that you’re really get paid to donate. And when it comes to plasma – blood type is irrelevant.

      The article has been updated to reflect this information.

  • brad

    I have a friend that’s rh negative, since it’s a rare type, can they donate..?? and since its it’s rare, do they get rare money….?? for their donation..??
    thank you very much..

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Brad,

      Everyone can donate (and receive the same amount of money) regardless of blood type.

      The article has been updated to reflect this information.

  • Alex

    Hi, I was wondering do they really drug test you before donating blood. And if so what are they looking for exactly? Thanks

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Alex,

      Great question. Here are the drug testing policies for all buyers listed in this article:

      Octapharma Plasma – Don’t be under the influence of drugs upon arrival to sell blood. And drug tests vary from location to location. http://octapharmaplasma.com/donor/plasma-donation-faq

      CSL Plasma – No information published about drug testing.

      GCAM Plasma, Inc. – A physical will be performed http://www.gcamplasma.com/ (under ‘donate’ tab)

      Interstate Blood and Plasma Inc. / Plasma Biological Services Inc. – A physical will be performed on your first visit. https://www.interstatebloodbank.com/?page_id=2206

      KEDPlasma, LLC – No information published about drug testing.

      Talecris Plasma Resources, Inc. – No information published about drug testing.

      There’s not much information about drug testing on any of these websites. It’s likely because having drugs in your system doesn’t lower the quality of the blood you’re donating. In short, places that buy your blood/plasma really don’t care if you’ve been on drugs because it doesn’t harm the product. My advice: don’t show up under the influence of drugs and since there’s really no degradation of the blood, they should not care if you did drugs in the past.

      • First Quarter Finance logo
        First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

        I’m updating the article to reflect this new research.

      • Sue Vans

        I donated at Telacris 3 months ago, and I had to take a urine drug test for the physical. I donated at CSL for the first time yesterday, and they did not drug test me at all. The nurse said if they were going to drug test (at CSL) they would do a cheek swab, which they never did. I was asking at CSL about the drug test because I had to go the the bathroom really bad after drinking all that water! Looks like CSL reserves the drug test for people that they think show up on drugs.

        • Jane Doe

          Sue or Will, do you know if oxycodone (40mg twice a day & 15mg 6xs a day). and methylphenidate (60mg ER) will disqualify you from CSL. I tried to call today and they did not want to answer on the phone and I refuse to go in just to be turned away. I think it is ridiculous they are not being open and informative so their and my time is not wasted.
          The pain management is from knee surgery from 2 years ago, still hurting in my knees, and a bad back and fibromyalgia. Nothing contagious.
          I have been looking for hours on the internet for an answer and am unable to find one. I did email their office though. Thank you very much for your time and effort on this.
          ( I am asking since you have worked with them and I am not sure of any other location in my area that may be willing to respond on the phone. )

          • First Quarter Finance logo
            First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

            Hi Jane,

            I’m sorry to hear about your frustration with CSL! Unfortunately, I’m not able to say whether any specific medical condition or medication will disqualify a donor, as it’s up to each donation center to set their own policies in this regard. Typically, chronic conditions that are well-managed and the majority of medications do not affect the ability to donate, but I’m not able to offer any specifics since it’s really at the donation center’s discretion. Hopefully you’re able to get your answer by phone or by email from CSL. (Sorry about the difficulty you had posting your comment! We’ll be investigating the server timeout issue; thank you for bringing it to our attention.)

          • M Devlin

            We cannot answer health or medicine questions over the phone. If we told potential donors disqualifying information over the phone, then they would not tell us about the condition or medications once they arrived.

  • tasawor

    I wants sale my blood in Saudi in the city of dammam I needed money because my wife broken leg .I want money .my age 29year olod my. Blood group o positive. any blood contact me. thanks.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Tasawor,

      While this website is mostly for a US-audience, it looks like you can donate sell to hospitals for about SAR 350 to 400. Here are some guidelines for giving/selling blood in Saudi Arabia.

      • Lo Lopez

        Hey where can you get cash for blood in Ca thanks

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

          Hi Lo,

          Octapharma, GCAM Plasma, KEDPlasma, and GRIFOLS (Biomat) all have donation centers in California. You can use the location finders we’ve provided in the article for these agencies to find the center that’s closest to you. Best of luck!

      • Jayleen

        Hi, I live in Allentown,Pa. Where can I find a place that I can donate blood?

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

          Hi Jayleen,

          We found Biological Specialty Corporation in Allentown. Learn more about donating with them here.

  • Tami

    I was deferred because i got a small tattoo on side of my foot. When i got it a year ago i showed a worker and she said its ok because its within the size limit. I said ok. I didn’t try to hide it at all. I wore flip flops most of the time. But i went in yesterday to donate and they asked if i wanted my yearly physical now or next time, i said now is fine. So the nurse took me in the room and proceeded to do physical starting with questions. She asked if my body has changed in anyway. I said yes i got the small tattoo ( it says MY ONLY SUNSHINE ) . She said oh that changes everything. I told her what i was told and who told me. But she said it doesn’t matter. Its not my fault there employees dont know what there talking about. I didn’t lie, maybe i should have. There are a few people that were there that said i should of put it somewhere no one could see thats what they did. But my question is that was at an Octapharma Plasma center, can i go somewhere else ? The tattoo is a year old. I mean is this what i get for telling the truth? My daughter starts college in 2 weeks. I need the extra cash for her food allowance.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      According to the Octapharma website, as long as your tattoo is at least 12 months old, it’s not a problem. It’s to protect the blood recipient from contracting hepatitis, should your needle have been affected. 12 months is the norm at any place that buys/takes donations for blood. And in some states where tattoo parlors are closely regulated, there is no wait time to sell blood after a tattoo because hepatitis isn’t as much of a threat at these state-regulated parlors (in theory at least). Regulated states are: Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia but this list will likely grow. In short, Octapharma should take your blood. Talk to someone else who knows their policies better. Prove that the tattoo is over 12 months old. If something got marked wrong on your chart and no one will listen, choose another blood donation center from our list that’s close to you. If you have ANY other questions, just let me know.

  • Sarah

    Do blood banks pay a little bit more for RH- blood?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Sarah,

      Rare blood type blood donors make the same amount of money as common blood type blood donors. While a certain blood type may be rare, it also means fewer people need it.

      • Kelly

        I read that the rare blood type O negative is not only the rarest BUT also a universal type which can be used for anyone, so isn’t that more valuable?

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

          No because plasma is what you’re being compensated for and plasma is blood type blind.

          • Mlj8172

            I work at a plasma center and Rh Neg Donors (A-, B-, AB-, and O-) who qualify for the Anti D program do, in fact, get paid substantially more for donating their plasma than regular donors. It doesn’t matter A, AB, B, or O, as long as its Rh neg and meets the criteria. It is used to make the RhoGAM shot that many expecting mothers have to have. Many of the plasma centers you have cited in your article have and explain this specialty program.

          • First Quarter Finance logo
            First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

            Hi there,

            You’re absolutely right! I apologize for the misleading information in the article. I have updated the “Amount Paid to People With Rare Blood Types” section of the article to include a note explaining the importance of Rh-negative plasma in treating HDN, and the resulting higher payments for donors with this type of blood. Thank you very much for writing in and bringing this to our attention!

        • paobianca

          i am blood 0

          • First Quarter Finance logo
            First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

            Hi Paobianca,

            For plasma donation, the blood type itself isn’t important, as plasma is blood type blind. However, it is possible that you could earn more money based on your Rh designation (positive or negative). If you are O-negative, you may make more money as a plasma donor than someone with O-positive blood. You’ll need to get in touch with your local plasma donation center to find out more about specific compensation rates. I hope this helps!

      • First Quarter Finance logo
        First Quarter Finance | Hillary M. Miller

        Hi Pankaj,

        The best place to start is with the location finders towards the end of the article. You can use these to find out which plasma donation agencies have donation centers in your local area. Then, just make sure you meet all of the agency’s requirements, and you’re ready to start donating!

  • George

    Why can’t people that have spend 5 years in europe donate?

  • Orel Haiim

    Would the donation centers pay me if I’m 16 and went in with a parent?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Orel,

      Unfortunately, no. There are no blood donation centers in the US that will pay for blood from a 16 year old – parent or no parent. You can give blood at 16 in some states but never sell it. If you’re interesting in giving it away, here’s a link that’ll show if you can give at age 16 in your state: http://www.redcrossblood.org/students/sixteen It may be worth doing (if you’re able) so you know whether or not you like the experience. Then, once you turn 18, you can begin selling. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate.

    • naziya shaikh

      Yes i donet my blood

  • cameron

    How old do you have to be to donate?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Cameron,

      Excellent question. Generally the minimum age to sell blood is 18. The American Red Cross will let you donate at 17 (16 with parental consent). As prompted by your question, I’ve updated the post to include lower and upper age requirements for each of the most popular places to sell blood. Please see the new section above titled ‘Age Requirements for Donating Blood (Upper and Lower Age Requirements)’ for more detailed information. Let me know if you have any further questions!

  • Taylor

    Hi Will,

    For future reference, people shouldn’t donate blood while they’re on accutane. The drug is dangerous for pregnant women and people with bad livers, so it’s best to avoid donating while taking this drug. Let me know what you think. Great info in this article though, thanks!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Taylor,

      You’re absolutely right! And how could I have missed it? I was on the drug for nearly 2 years not that long ago. The inch-thick side effects packet they gave me definitely said DO NOT donate blood while on the drug. I’ve updated the post. Thank you for your contribution!!!

  • Jim

    I just started giving plasma now and have read a few places that you can get more money the more you weigh. How do you go about asking for more money? Im in good health and weigh 200 I see a lot of people that weight like 130 and they get done sooner because takes less time.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | William Lipovsky

      Hi Jim,

      You’re right – if you’re giving more plasma + giving more of your time, you should earn more money. Octa Pharma Plasma, for one, agrees with this: http://octapharmaplasma.com/donor/plasma-donation-faq. You may want to go there. But if going to one of their locations isn’t convenient for you, make sure your blood bank is paying per measurement (per pint, per ounce, etc.). As long as they are, everyone should be fairly compensated. One thing also to consider is that some people’s bodies release blood faster than others. This can be due to factors such as hydration, size of veins, heartbeat, etc. This means others around you may simply give a pint of blood faster. Do come back and comment if you have any further concerns. Thanks, Jim.

    • Sue Vans

      CSL pay by weight. You would get the higher dollar amount there. Telacris has a flat payment system, which attracts more donors.

  • Kathleen McPhillips

    I would like to know where my husband can truly donate his blood in west palm beach for charity. Currently he donates his blood to oneblood.org every time the they roll into town. I am opposed to them reselling his blood. Is there a truly not-for-profit organization?
    There was a van that came here once and they claimed they did not resell blood, but they donated it to hospitals. I can’t remember who they were.
    Thank you,

    • Aislynn

      Hi Kathleen, I’ve always wound up donating blood through Red Cross. Most donated blood winds up with Red Cross in the end anyway. I’ve always had a pleasant experience and I’ve always been taken care of. As far as I know RedCross is all over and they go to a bunch of different places in buses and vans to get their donations. I hope you’ll look into them.

    • Jennifer

      I have gave blood for the Red Cross in the past a bunch. I want to do this. I have been tested for everything under the sun. I am willing to tested again. I want to be paid for my time.

      • First Quarter Finance logo
        First Quarter Finance | Kathleen Wilson

        Hi Jennifer,

        The best place to start is with the location finders towards the end of the article – in the “Most Popular Places to Donate Blood throughout the United States” section. You can use these to find out which plasma donation agencies have donation centers in your local area. Then, just make sure you meet all of the agency’s requirements, and you’re ready to start donating!

    • RB

      I am AB negative. What is the rate on that? I donate occasionally to the Red Cross and had no idea they may be selling it.