Does Walmart Vision Center accept Medicaid? Most Walmart pharmacies accept Medicaid for prescriptions. Some Walmart Vision Centers and some Walmart Care Clinics also accept Medicaid. Medicaid-approved stores and pharmacies differ by state. Even if your local Walmart pharmacy accepts Medicaid, other in-store services — such as those provided by a Walmart Vision Center or Walmart Care Clinic — may not accept Medicaid. If your local Walmart accepts Medicaid and your Medicaid plan requires a co-pay, coinsurance, or deductible, you are responsible for that payment at the time of your services.

Using Medicaid at Walmart

Medicaid is jointly funded by states and the federal government to provide health care for millions of Americans. Low-income families and individuals, children, elderly adults, pregnant women, and people with disabilities may be eligible for Medicaid. The guidelines for Medicaid qualification are set at the state level, so eligibility requirements vary depending on the state you live in.

Medicaid has both mandatory and optional benefits. Mandatory benefits include inpatient and outpatient hospital services, lab tests and X-rays, and family planning services. Other benefits are considered optional and each state can choose whether or not to include them in their Medicaid benefits. These include prescription drug coverage, clinic services, optometry, and eyeglasses. To find out your benefits, call the member services number on your Medicaid ID card or look up your state’s Medicaid agency for help clarifying your coverage.

Most Walmart pharmacies accept Medicaid, but a Walmart corporate customer service representative said Medicaid acceptance at Walmart pharmacies, Vision Centers, and Care Clinics varies by state. And, even if Walmart stores in one state accept Medicaid, not all services may be covered at each location — meaning a Walmart store pharmacy may accept Medicaid but the Vision Center at the same store location may not accept Medicaid. The only way to know for sure if your local Walmart pharmacy, Vision Center, or Care Clinic accepts Medicaid is to contact your preferred Walmart and ask.

At the Walmart Vision Center

Does the Walmart eye center take Medicaid? Walmart Vision Centers provide eye-care services such as vision exams and offer a variety of prescription products, including eyeglasses, sunglasses, and contact lenses. If your Medicaid plan includes vision coverage, it is possible that you can use it at a Walmart Vision Center. To determine if your local Walmart Vision Center accepts Medicaid, contact a Walmart Vision Center near you and ask. A Walmart store or Vision Center representative should be able to let you know whether or not the store accepts Medicaid.

If your local Walmart Vision Center accepts Medicaid, you can schedule an appointment over the phone. You will need to bring your Medicaid ID with you to the store. If your Medicaid plan requires a copay, coinsurance, or deductible, you will be responsible to pay that portion at the time of your services.

At the Walmart Pharmacy

Does Walmart pharmacy accept Medicaid? If your Medicaid plan includes prescription drug coverage, it is likely you will be able to use it at your local Walmart pharmacy. While most Walmart pharmacies accept Medicaid, it is a good idea to contact your local Walmart pharmacy to verify. If it does accept Medicaid, you can drop off and pick up prescriptions using your Medicaid ID card. When you pick up your prescription, you will be responsible for any copay, coinsurance, or deductible that must be met per your specific Medicaid plan.

At the Walmart Care Clinic

A Walmart Care Clinic is similar to an urgent care facility. It offers preventative services like flu shots and physicals, as well as treatment for common illnesses like strep throat and sinus infections. The staff of nurse practitioner may provide prescriptions and/or referrals for specialized care, if necessary. Walmart Care Clinics are located inside some Walmart stores in Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas.

According to the Walmart Care Clinic website, clinics in Georgia and South Carolina accept Medicaid. To verify if a location near you accepts Medicaid, give them a call. Alternately, you can call the patient support line at (844) 398-1398.

Clinic services are an optional benefit of Medicaid, so make sure your Medicaid plan includes clinic services before you head to your local Walmart Care Clinic. And, if your Medicaid plan requires a copay, coinsurance, or deductible, you will be responsible to pay that portion at the time of your services.

In Summary

Medicaid is a health services program jointly funded by states and the federal government to provide health coverage to millions of Americans. Eligibility requirements for Medicaid vary by state. While most Walmart pharmacies accept Medicaid, other in-store services — such as those provided by a Walmart Vision Center or Walmart Care Clinic — may not accept Medicaid. The only way to know for sure if your local Walmart pharmacy, Vision Center, or Care Clinic accepts Medicaid is to contact a Walmart near you and ask.

Related Article: Can Medicaid patients use cash?

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