Short Answer

WebBank backs both store-specific credit cards and general-purpose credit cards. Some of WebBank’s credit cards include the AvantCard, the Petal Visa Credit Card, and the Yamaha Financial Services Credit Card. WebBank cards are popular because they often have fast approval processes and are typically available to those with less-than-ideal credit. However, WebBank credit cards often carry high APRs. For more details on WebBank credit cards, see below.

The List of WebBank Credit Cards

WebBank backs a number of store-specific and general-purpose credit cards, as well as credit accounts for third-party businesses. WebBank credit cards typically have fast approval processes and are open to applicants with a range of credit scores and credit histories. However, WebBank credit cards tend to have lower credit limits and higher annual percentage rates (APRs) than other credit cards.

To compile the following list of WebBank credit cards, we searched the brand partners on WebBank’s website and read through the disclosures for every card.


  • Annual fee: From $29 to $49
  • Transaction fees: For cash advances, the greater of​ $5 ​or ​3% ​of the cash amount
  • Late payment fee: Up to $35
  • Open or closed loop? Open loop; can be used anywhere
  • See the current APR and terms on the AvantCard Rate and Fee Summary page
  • Apply

Petal Visa Credit Card

Yamaha Financial Services Credit Card

Zerocard Mastercard Credit Card

More Information

To find out more about credit cards, see our articles on soft-pull credit cards and instant-approval credit cards.

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