There are several places where you can get old magazines. Prices vary depending on a variety of factors, including age, popularity, and condition. Collectible magazines will certainly cost more than less desirable ones, and vintage magazines will usually cost more than newer ones. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to break the bank. Below we’ve compiled a list of places you can get old magazines for low prices or even for free. 

What We Recommend

If you’re looking for something specific, you’ll likely want to check eBay or an online collectible store. If any magazine will do, check with local offices, such as your dentist or doctor’s office. Most of these places have magazines in their waiting rooms, and they may let you take a few for free.

If you’re looking for vintage magazines and don’t mind a bit of searching, check out your local thrift shop or flea market.

The List

There are several options when it comes to finding old magazines, including shopping online and in person. Below, we’ve compiled the list of places where you can get old magazines, beginning our list with the best options.


  • For free or for sale: Sale
  • Try if you’re looking for: Vintage magazines, rare finds, contemporary back issues
  • Find out more

Online Collectibles Stores

  • For free or for sale: Sale
  • Try if you’re looking for: Rare finds, vintage magazines
  • See our research on places to sell old magazines for a list of retailers.

Waiting Rooms and Lobbies

  • For free or for sale: Free
  • Try if you’re looking for: Contemporary magazines. Many businesses — including medical offices, salons, hotels, and professional buildings — provide magazines for you to read while you wait and may not mind if you take one or two with you. If there isn’t a sign posted saying you may take a magazine, ask the receptionist.

Thrift Shops and Flea Markets

  • For free or for sale: Sale
  • Try if you’re looking for: Contemporary magazines, vintage magazines
  • You can find thrift stores in your area by going to

Local Used Book Stores

  • For free or for sale: Sale
  • Try if you’re looking for: Vintage magazines, contemporary magazines

Garage Sales

  • For free or for sale: Both
  • Try if you’re looking for: Contemporary magazines, vintage magazines
  • Find garage sales near you by watching for signs in your neighborhood, checking your local paper, and watching any community websites or social media pages. You can also go to Garage Sale Finder‘s website to look up garage sales by zip code.

Estate Sales

  • For free or for sale: Sale
  • Try if you’re looking for: Vintage magazines, contemporary magazines
  • You can find estate sales by watching out for signs in your area, checking your local paper, or using a website like to search for estate sales by zip code.

If newspaper would suit your project, see our research on where to get free newspaper.

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