A good way to ease tension from the stressful day-to-day operations of a bank is to have a funny team name for your group of coworkers. However, it’s not always easy to come up with a creative name. If you need help thinking of clever banking team names for you and your colleagues, we list some considerations and example names to help you brainstorm.

What Makes a Good Banking Team Name?

You know your bank’s environment best. At some places, you may be able to get away with names that are more PG-13, while at others, it may be best to keep it G-rated. We have marked several names with an asterisk to designate names that may push the boundaries at some banks and office environments.

Also, keep in mind that a team name that alienates or puts down a group of your colleagues will probably not have great long-term consequences for office morale, or for your job. Your name should not discriminate against any particular race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or other identity.

With that in mind, you can never go wrong with a good pun or some rhyming or alliteration. To personalize the name, you can base it on the company slogan, a term your boss always uses, or common industry lingo.

If you’re struggling to come up with a bank team name, we have lists of potential names below that are categorized based on industry terminology and common industry acronyms.

Banking Team Names

You can use any of the following names for your banking team, or simply use them as inspiration to come up with your own unique name.

Based on Industry Terminology

  • A-Team, AA-Team, AAA-Team (A, AA, and AAA are often used as ratings for credit quality for loans or bonds. You could also use Bs, Cs, or Ds, which are used as grades from some rating agencies for lower quality loans. Note: For those that can get away with racy team names, the “DD” bond rating refers to bonds that are in default, and a team name of “Double D’s” may provide a laugh.)
  • Accountaholics
  • Back in the Black (Being in the “black” means having positive earnings.)
  • Bank On Us / Bank On It
  • Banker’s Dozen
  • Banker’s Hours
  • Big Assets*
  • Capitals
  • Check Us/It Out
  • Checkers
  • Compounders
  • Consolidate This!
  • Deficit Demolishers
  • Dough Rollers
  • EXCEL-erators
  • Fast and Fiduciary
  • Fat Tails* (Fat Tail refers to the probability of unlikely outcomes.)
  • Flash Crashers (Flash crash refers to sudden drops in market prices.)
  • The Game of Loans
  • Greenbacks
  • Hanky-Bankies
  • Insolvents or Insolvers (playing off the term insolvent)
  • The Ladderers (referring to “ladders”, which is a term used to describe buying several CDs or bonds with different duration to reduce interest rate risk)
  • The Launderers
  • Lien on Me
  • Lend Us a Hand
  • The Lenders
  • The Loan Rangers
  • Loan Stars
  • Loan Wolves
  • Loaners
  • Money Honeys or Money Men (depending on team gender makeup)
  • Net Assets*
  • Net Gains
  • Non-Cents
  • Odd Lots or Odd Lotters (referring to a purchase of shares in small or uneven amounts)
  • Prime Time (“Prime” often refers to the highest credit quality for a loan.)
  • Prospectors (A prospectus is a packet of information about a mutual fund or ETF.)
  • Rollers
  • Routers
  • Save-iors (like saviors)
  • Spare Change
  • Smooth Operators
  • Tellerators
  • Tillers
  • Title Champions
  • Under Riders / Under Raiders (playing off the term underwriters, who judge the risk level for borrowers)
  • Yielders / High Yielders

Based on Industry Acronyms

  • ATM
    • Amazing or Awesome Team Mates
    • A TeaM
  • ARM (adjustable-rate mortgage)
    • ARMers
    • ARMed Bankers
  • CD
    • Credit or Capital Destroyers
    • Credit or Capital Defaulters
    • Champion Depositors
  • EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization)
    • The EBITDArs
  • EFT
    • Effective Finance Team
    • Exalted Female Tellers
    • Empty Final Tills
    • Enough Freaking Training
  • FDIC
    • Female Depositors In Charge
  • FILO (First In Last Out)
    • Failure Is Last Option
  • Knowledge GAAP (GAAP refers to “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles”)
  • IRA
    • IRAte Bankers
  • PIN
    • PIN Protectors
    • Prime Investment Ninjas
  • PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)
    • Prime Mortgage Individuals
  • S&L
    • Saviors & Loaners
  • TILA (Truth in Lending Act)
    • TILAtors

For even more ideas, you may want to check out our articles listing one-word team names and funny group chat names.

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