How much is a 1950 $10 bill worth? Currency collectors are willing to pay considerable sums for bills that have unusual misprints or unique serial numbers. In this article, we focus on the 1950 $10 bill and the specific aspects that can increase its value far beyond what it can buy at the store. Certain 1950 $10 bills are worth hundreds of dollars to the right collector. Is yours one of them?

If you’ve discovered a 1950 $10 bill, don’t get too excited just yet; there are several things you should take into account before attempting to sell it. Age alone doesn’t necessarily mean the bill is worth a lot of money. In fact, age as a standalone measure has little to do with value when pricing currency. But, there are a wide range of irregularities which can make a 1950 $10 bill valuable. When appraising your 1950 1950 $10 bill, keep an eye out for these rare characteristics:…

How Can You Tell the Condition of a 1950 $10 Bill?

If your 1950 $10 bill is in pristine condition, meaning it has never been folded, torn, and has no severe wear, it may be worth more than face value. There are five different series of the 1950 $10 bill (A, B, C, D, and E) but all of them will sell for relatively the same price if they are in mint condition. It’s worth noting that a 1950 $10 bill wasn’t necessarily printed in 1950. Unlike coins, which are identified by the year they’re minted, bills are identified by the year that the design was adopted. A letter (series 1950A, 1950B, etc.) is added for every minor change to that same design.

A mint condition 1950 $10 bill from series A-D will likely sell for around $20, while the series E ten-dollar bill may sell for about $35 because the E series is rarer than the others. If you have fifty or more consecutive ten dollar bills from 1950, meaning they were all printed one after the other, this could demand a small premium for the collection.

Which Serial Numbers Are Most Valuable?

Irregularities in your $10 bill’s serial number can occur during production and may make it valuable to collectors. Here is a list of the most popular serial oddities.

  • Radar Example: C56788765A
  • Flip Example: C00069000A
  • Binary Example: C10100110A
  • Solid Example: C44444444A
  • Low serial number Example: C25225525A (Two or less digits featured)
  • Stand Alone Example: C00300000A (One number surrounded by zeroes)
  • Trailing Zeroes Example: C00000000A
  • Repeater Example: C11171117A
  • Ladder Example: C12345678A

In reference to the solid serial number, higher digits are rarer than lower digits, so higher digit solids will be worth more. And, if a solid serial number ends and begins with the same letters, this will only make the bill more attractive to buyers. Solid 9’s are extremely rare, so they are the most desirable, followed by solid 8’s. But, any solid serial number in good condition could earn you up to $500.

When it comes to ladder serial numbers, a true ladder contains all nine digits in ascending order. True ladders are only printed once every 96 million notes, so they are going to command a great premium. In fact, these bills are so rare that they deserve their own appraisal.

The repeater category includes binaries, ladders, or any type of serial number with three or more repeating digits.

Variations of all these serial oddities may increase the worth of a 1950 bill. There are so many variations that it’s hard to name an exact value for each one. But, if the bill is in excellent condition and contains an oddity, it will be worth more than face value.

How to Tell if You Have a Valuable Star Note

If there is a star after your bill’s serial number, this means the note was printed as a replacement for one damaged during production. These star notes were kept on hand and sent out as needed, so different star notes from different eras will vary in worth – based on how many were issued.

The most valuable star notes are those older than the year 1950, so in our case, having a 1950 $10 bill with a star on it is not enough to make it worth more than face value.

Why Doesn’t It Say “In God We Trust”?

If you have a 1950 $10, you might have noticed that something’s missing when compared to modern bills: the 1950-series $10 bill does not include the motto “In God We Trust.” These words were not added to the design of the $10 bill until the series after the 1950 design, the 1964 series. The same is true of the $1, $5, $10, and $20 denominations, which were not printed with the motto until 1964.

How to Identify Misprints That Increase Its Value

Misprinting refers to any errors that occurred during the printing process. It’s important to note that no misprint is unique. Often, when one mistake is made, many more notes are printed the same way before the problem is detected. So value is often based on the rarity of the misprint. If your $10 bill has a misprint that is quite common, it probably won’t increase its value by much, unless the bill is in mint condition. A common misprint on a wrinkled or folded ten-dollar bill will be disregarded by buyers.

Some examples of misprinting on 1950 $10 bills include incorrect seals, misplacement of correct seals, or any printing that obscures numbers. Over-inking or printing the front of the bill on the back, or vice versa, are also known misprints. A partial obstruction misprint means part of the image is missing; or maybe you have a bill where an image is missing altogether. The more severe the misprint, the more the note will be worth, so keep an eye out for the really bizarre ones!

Beware of the Upside Down Flag Myth

While doing research, you may hear that some 1950 $10 bills were printed with the American flag upside down. If you think the American flag on your bill is upside down, and if someone tells you that this will increase the value of the bill, don’t be too quick to believe them. The upside-down American flag is not considered an error, thus does not affect the value of the 1950 $10 in any way.

How Much Is It Worth?

So how much is a 1950 $10 bill worth exactly? If it is not in mint condition and does not have any unique identifiers, it’s only worth face value. The upside down American flag does not make its value increase since so many bills were printed that way. A mint condition 1950 $10 bill from series A-D will likely sell for around $20, double face value. While the series E $10 bill from 1950 is likely to sell for about $35 in mint condition. If you have any of the above listed serial number oddities, that $10 bill could be worth up to $500.

Where to Buy and/or Sell

The biggest platform is eBay. It’s straightforward, reaches a wide audience, and commissions are minimal.

Suggested Article: Here’s the Value of a 1950 $20 Bill

This Season


  • Liz

    I have a 1950 series c F 2691602 Misprint

  • HUGO

    I HAVE $10 BILL B48777139C YEAR 1950

  • Gayla J Rackley

    I have a 1950 Series C A34823127C

  • Jess

    Hello, we have 1950 series B $10 bill in good condition with serial # H25259074B. Is it worth any more than face value?

  • Sashkya nuez

    Cood condition 10 dollar bill serial # f65003963b it says at the botton will pay to the bearer on demand

  • Mario

    I have a 1950 ten dollar bill is good condition. F04775661* B Series. I tried to deposit in my bank but the teller told me it could be worth something so I’m just wondering


    I have a one and the serial number is F 04775661* B Series. I went to go deposit it in my bank and the teller told me to keep it just in case. I’m just wondering if it’s worth anything?

  • Pete

    I have a 1950 Series E ten dollar bill in terrific condition with the following serial # B23035262K. No markings, tears, or pin holes, but evidence of perhaps two folds. I would certainly be interested if you think this is worth more than face value.

  • Jenn

    Hello, I have a 1950 ten dollar bill, great condition, serial number is A10733701 *. Would it be worth anything?

  • Mike

    I received in change back at a local hospital…
    G77099999A…folded slightly..

  • Ashleigh

    Hello I found a great condition 1950 $10 bill series E serial number B44123861K just wondering if it was worth more than face value b4 I spent it and ended up finding out I should have kept it. Thanks much!

  • Jonas

    We found a $10 1950 series C serial number E19508854C bill. It’s been folded but there is a strange black line along the top edge from the center of the R to the center of the second E in RESERVE. Also what does he number 1689 in the right corner on the back mean?

  • Jake

    Hello there 1950 series A
    D 01326028 *, also has for 4’s on it and its bank code is D-cleveland Oh

  • Michael

    I have a 1950 series B $10.00 Bill with serial # B 24899912*. It is not in mint condition, but it is in good conditio.
    Thank you,

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Micheal,

      Unfortunately, your serial number doesn’t have any special patterns that make your note worth more than face value!

  • Taylor

    I have a 1950 series D star note ten dollar bill with serial number D10659205

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Kathleen Wilson

      Hi Taylor,
      Although your bill doesn’t have any serial irregularities, if it is mint condition, a series D may yield you as much as double the bill’s face value.

  • Mike

    I have a 1950 Series A 10 dollar bill that someone gave me, telling me it was worth more than face value. Serial number is: A 71237345 A

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Mike,

      While that serial number doesn’t fit neatly into one of the categories of serial numbers that increase the bill’s value, it does have a nice kind of symmetry to it! It might be considered a broken ladder (as opposed to a true ladder, which we listed in the article) or maybe some kind of repeater. While its probably not worth a lot more than face value, it might be worth something more. I’d recommend asking a local currency collector if they’d be interested in buying it, and in the mean time, hold on to it.


    Hello, I have a $10 1950c with repeating digits A45553899C. Im wondering if it is worth more? Thank you

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Alyson,

      Unfortunately three of the same number in a row isn’t quite enough, without any other repeating or symmetrical numbers. Sorry!

      • Joe

        Hello, I have a 1950 $10 bill serial number B 68785754G

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

          Hi Joe,

          Your note’s serial number doesn’t have any unique features that would increase its value, sorry!

  • Coltrin101

    1950 10 dollar bill from San Francisco reserves L 96170040 A 1484 printed on the back of the bill

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Coltrin,

      Looks like that serial code doesn’t have any special features that would raise the bill’s value. Sorry I couldn’t give you better news!

  • Amber

    $10 1950 C four 7s ( Chicago) serial G23822109G (twice) mis print shows a half inch long black line on top middle and is printed slanted as a whole.the bottom right corner above the (10 TEN) D489 and on the back right corner 1831 any suggestions thank you!!!

  • josh

    I have a 1963A 20$ Serial # G99048343A
    1950C 10$ Serial# C19821897C and the last 9 is lower than the other numbers. Maybe an oddity/error?
    1977 10$ Serial# K50759364A
    1976 2$(s) Serial numbers are:


    and then a 1995 2$ Bill Serial # F29448998B. However, IT has odd markings im not familiar with. The smallest numbers in the top left corner and bottom right corner have this:


    fw D 1

    Rather than just D followed by a number. not sure what it means or if it means anything but was hoping you could maybe shine some light on the question.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Josh,

      First, regarding the 1995 $2 bill — $1 and $2 bills are the only notes that still use the format of a letter, followed by eight digits, followed by another number. The first letter represents the Federal Reserve Bank, and the second the advances through the alphabet when all eight character serial numbers have been printed for a specific Federal Reserve Bank within the same series. F is for Atlanta, by the way. The small D3 is the note number position, i.e., where on the larger sheet your bill was before it was cut out. The small FW D1 is the plate serial number, and identifies the plate from which the note was printed. 1995 $2 notes are only worth more if they are low serial number star notes.

      1976 $2 bills are only worth more than face value if they are uncirculated, have a low serial number (one starting with several zeros), or are star notes. Unless yours are also uncirculated, they won’t be worth more than $2.

      Both $10 bills from 1950 and 1977 are in the same boat — they’re only worth more if they have special serial numbers, as we explained in the article, if they are in mint condition, or if they have a rare misprint. Your misprint sounds pretty minor, so I doubt there’s extra value there.

      The $20 is basically the same as the ten in terms of rarity. It’ll only be worth more if uncirculated, if it has a special serial number, or it has a rare misprint.

  • Jessica

    1950 series e g30716487*

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Jessica,

      Unfortunately, your bill’s serial number does not have any unique identifiers that would add to its value.

  • Vicki

    I have two 1950 $10 bills. First one is A45213336C flag upside down series B
    Second one is A14947296 C with flag upside down too series C

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Vicki,

      Unfortunately, neither of those serial numbers are unique enough to raise the value of your $10 bill. The upside down flag is not a recognize error, and also doesn’t increase value. Your note will only be worth more than $10 if they are also in mint condition.

  • Name* (displayed publicly)

    i have a 1950s ten dollar bill,series D THE SERIAL # IS B38978310* CAN YOU TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THIS

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Cindy,

      This note is probably just worth face value unless it is in mint condition. Neither serial number or series are unique enough to increase the bill’s value.

  • Name* (displayed publicly)

    I found a framed 10.00 bill that my mother has had for years. Series number L 14478195 B.
    Does it have any value? Excellent condition.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Glenda,

      It looks like the serial number doesn’t have any unique characteristics that could increase the bill’s value. Bills in mint condition, however, can sell for up to twice their face value. Because your’s is in such good condition, I suggest asking a couple collectors for quotes and keeping it framed for protection in the meantime. Good luck!

  • Cruz m.

    Hi I got a $10 bill series 1950 C88158478 A how much is it worth.???

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Cruz,

      It’s probably worth $10. The serial number isn’t unique enough to give it extra a value, nor is the series. It will be worth more than $10 only if it’s in mint condition. Mint condition 1950 $10 can sell for double their face value.

  • Nadia

    Hi, got $10 bill series 1950 A
    E01655166❄️ Is it worth more than face value? Thank you.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Nadia,

      It doesn’t appear that your bill’s serial number has any unique features that would add to its value. However, keep in mind that a 1950 $10 bill in mint condition can often be sold for twice its face value. Good luck!

  • Name* (displayed publicly)

    Hi I have a series 1950D ten dollar bill, serial number D10791825* with green star notes on it, is it worth any more than face value? Thanks Dawn Derouin

  • Tay

    I have a 1950 series B = C 06739924* and a 1934 A blue seal silver certificate A 87587037 A, both are $10 bills and are in fair condition. On a 1-10 scale the 1950 is a 6 and the silver cert is a 3.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Tay,

      Your 1950 $10 doesn’t have a unique enough serial number to make it worth more than $10. While this article isn’t about the earlier, blue seal notes, I think that note is collectible, but it sounds like it’s not in very good condition. If you’re looking for more information about your blue seal note, I’d recommend contacting a collector. You can also try searching for blue seal notes on eBay to get an idea of the value. It’s hard to find something that is exactly what you have, but there are quite a few similar notes listed.

  • Eliana

    Hi! I have a series 1950 A ten dollar bill. No stars but says “E68880504A”. Think it could be worth more then ten dollars?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Eliana,

      Unfortunately that serial code alone isn’t unique enough to give your $10 bill any extra value. Series A is also one of the more common series, and likewise won’t increase the value. You’re note is only worth more than $10 if its in near mint condition, i.e, it hasn’t been folded, torn, or worn out. Sorry for the bad news!

  • Brian

    Series 1950A serial F 09662553 B

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Brian,

      While it doesn’t look like your bill has any serial oddities that would add to its value, always keep in mind that these bills in mint condition are often sold at twice their face value. Good luck!

  • Roberta

    I have serial number

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Roberta,

      Unfortunately, your bill’s serial number does not have any unique identifiers that would add to its value. However, always keep in mind that 1950 $10 bills in mint condition often sell for twice their face value. Good luck!

  • Mooner

    L73929065B 1950 $10

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Mooner,

      Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like your bill’s serial number has any unique identifiers that would add value to it. However, always keep in mind that 1950 $10 bills in mint condition often sell for twice their face value. Good luck!

  • First Quarter Finance logo
    First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

    Hi Jeremy,

    Unfortunately, your bill’s serial number doesn’t look like it has any special characteristics that would add to its value. Keep in mind, though, that if it’s in mint condition, many collectors will pay about twice its face value for it!

  • Saida

    I have a 1950 D with the serial number G37041493G

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Saida,

      It doesn’t look like your serial number alone will raise the value of your $50 bill, but if it’s mint condition, it will be worth more than face value!

  • Rich

    Hi there I have a 1950a 10$ bill the serial # is b11153169*. It’s circulated but still in good condition. I appreciate what you do. Thank you .

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Rich,

      Unfortunately, that serial number doesn’t have any pattern that would increase the value of the bill, and star notes are not uncommon. Because it’s not in mint condition, it’s probably not worth more than face value.

  • James Graham

    My 1950 $10 bill seems odd to me. This has the upside down flag, the 1950 is B series, and the number is G16333422 with no letter after it. Funny enough 333 is the wifes favorite number, and our phone number is 422 lol

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi James,

      Sounds like your bill probably isn’t worth more than $10 to a collector, but is worth more than $10 to you! I’d say it’s a keeper.

  • Dawn

    Hi there,
    I have 1950 $10 B04856447B

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Dawn,

      Unfortunately, the serial number on your bill doesn’t have any unique identifiers that would add value to it. However, keep in mind that any 1950 $10 bill in mint condition can be worth about twice its face value. Good luck!

  • Hana

    Series A
    It’s in decent condition with some folds but no tears
    I don’t know if this is something but the bill was cut wrong and you can see the marks for cutting so one side has more ‘space’

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Hana,

      Unfortunately, the bill is probably not worth more than face value. The serial code does not present any unusual patterns. And, being slightly offset, so that one side has a bit more space, is a pretty common printing error, and is unlikely to increase the value of the bill.

  • Surech

    HI I. have. a 1950 B series ten
    I36356502 A

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Surech,

      Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like your bill’s serial number has any unique characteristics that would add value. However, always keep in mind that 1950 $10 bills in mint condition are often sold to collectors for twice their face value. Good luck!

  • Walt

    Hello, I have a 1950 $10 bill. It’s serial number is E59658284A. It has a noticeably fine crease down the middle but is in good condition other than that.
    I also have a $1 star note with serial number K02642669* from 2006. I would appreciate an appraisal of both. I greatly appreciate it!

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Walt,

      Unfortunately, your $10 bill is not likely worth more than face value because the serial number has no unique identifiers and because of the crease. Star notes from 2006 vary widely in value, anywhere from a few dollars to $20 and more. Check out eBay for current auction prices.

  • Debbie

    I have a $10 Bill 1950 B37506337C decent condition crease in the middle Thanks for your time.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Debbie,

      That serial number doesn’t contain any oddity or rarity a collector might be looking for, and since it’s its not in mint condition, it won’t be worth any more than face value.

  • Mitchell T

    Hello I have 1950s 10 dollar bill with four 2s on its face and a serial # B53331887 J is this worth anything ?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Mitchell,

      Unfortunately, your bill’s serial number has no unique characteristics that would add value to it.

  • Rick Filtz

    I have a 1950 series b $10 bill and the word TEN is offset to the right of the seal on the front and to the left of the portrait. Is this unusual and does it make the bill any more valuable?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Rick!

      Lot’s of misprints like this are actually common, because they printed a whole batch with the same misprint. So, if it’s not in mint condition, the bill won’t be worth any more than face value unless you’ve come across an uncommon misprint. If your bill has the TEN to the right of the seal because the seal was misprinted too far to the left, that might be something worth asking a collector about.

  • kijo

    Hello, I have two 1950 $10 bills. One with serial number G33332355D and one with F63653696C. Are either of them rare/valuable? Thank you.

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi Kijo,

      They’re probably not worth more than face value unless they’re in mint condition. G33332355D is almost a series, but typically collectors will look for entirely the same digit (e.g., G33333333D) or a visible pattern. They other also doesn’t have any particular pattern collector’s typically look for.

  • Xavier


    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Xavier,

      Unfortunately, your bill doesn’t appear to have any serial oddities that would add value to it.

  • John Fredrick

    I possess a 1950c, 10 dollar reserve note.
    Serial # B55152552 I
    Five 5’s, two 2’s and one 1!
    But!! Treasurer: Elizabeth Rudel Smith.
    Secretary: C Douglas Dillon.
    Should I frame it or burn it!?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Laura Bachmann

      Hi John, while that serial number isn’t one of the things collectors generally look for and probably doesn’t increase the value, you’re right that it presents a unique little pattern. If you inquire with specific collectors, you might be able to find one who is interested. Unfortunately, specific treasurers or secretaries usually don’t increase the value. As for framing or burning, I’d probably just keep it in my wallet. 🙂

  • Angie

    I have a $10 bill that just has “Series 1950”, all my others have a letter… Nothing special that I can see with the serial number B83361668B. Is it worth anything more?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Angie,

      Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that the serial number has any unique identifiers that would add to its value. Wish I could bring you better news!

      • Sara clark

        I have a 1950 series c $10 bill with the serial number k 04050111* is it worth any more than face value?

        • First Quarter Finance logo
          First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

          Hi Sara,

          While it doesn’t appear that your bill’s serial number has any unique identifiers that would add to its value, always keep in mind that those in mint condition often sell for twice their face value. Good luck!

  • Michael

    I have a 1950 D series $10 bill with serial #G24915456* it also has a very noticeable misalignment on the back of the bill and if you look at the back of the bill you can see that the front shows thru on the top, bottom, and one end is it worth more than face value

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Michael,

      While the serial number on your bill doesn’t have any serial irregularities that would add to its value, if the alignment is severe, a collector may be interested in your bill, providing it is mint condition. Good luck!

  • Travante

    I have a 1950 $10 bill series A, Serial G13213437C

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Travante,

      It doesn’t look like your bill has any serial oddities that would add to its value. However, keep in mind that if your bill is in mint condition, it may be worth about twice its face value. Good luck!

  • Maryann

    I have a 1950e $10 bill that is misaligned with B38528901K in the lower right corner there’s A 512, also there’s 2 at each corner, unfortunately it’s not in mint condition, could it still be worth more than face value?

    • First Quarter Finance logo
      First Quarter Finance | Rebecca Turley

      Hi Maryann,

      Unfortunately, your bill doesn’t have any serial oddities that would add to its value. Because it is not in mint condition, it won’t be worth more than face value.